Category Archives: Take Heed Ministries

‘Evangelical Catholic’ suggestions for Belfast ‘Passion Café’ rejected

Several years ago as part of an attempt to maximize the publicity-potential of the deceptive and ecumenical ‘gospel’ charade known as ‘Power to Change’, a café was manned for about 7 months in the centre of Belfast by, I have no doubt, some well-intentioned but sadly misguided professing believers.

This group are currently planning, in their terms, to ‘ride the wave’ of the publicity that will be generated by the screening in Belfast of the Mel Gibson movie ‘The Passion of The Christ’ by manning a ‘Café Passionate’ close to where the movie will be screened. What was somewhat disturbing, about what may well be promoted as an ‘evangelical’ initiative, was that important aspects of the format were initially ‘checked out’ in a hope that Roman Catholic involvement would be both possible and encouraged.

One of the committee for the café submitted documents and planned training procedures to Eugene Boyle of the so-called Evangelical Catholic Initiative to see if he could identify any problems from a Roman Catholic perspective that would hinder Roman Catholic involvement. Eugene Boyle’s reply makes very interesting reading – here are some extracts –

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News From The Front – March 2004

Dear praying friends,

Another year is well under way and as I write this letter many topics have already been addressed and my faithful Internet webmaster has been working overtime in posting a wide range of articles to the ministry web site. Many of these articles do appear in NEWS FROM THE FRONT or as enclosures as in this case with ‘Earning The Right’ by Willie Cowan. I would ask for specific prayer for the ministry web site that the Lord will continue to use it to warn, inform and help people. Just this morning I received an email, which said,

‘I am glad to see you have a very active ministry. It is good for us in the USA to realise we did not invent evangelism. It seems you have a VERY full and diverse ministry. I hope if you are ever on the west coast you will give me fair warning. I live near Seattle. God bless your work. It is the work of evangelists and faithful Christians that showed me the Jesus in the Scripture after years of being in bondage to Watchtower teachings and thought. Today was my first day of teaching Sunday School and I feel so blessed that I escaped from where I was to find Jesus and now am able to share that with others in diverse ways. I hope you will keep my mum JD in your prayers; she is still a Jehovah’s Witness. In Christ’s love C

It is both encouraging and yet humbling to receive messages such as this – please pray for C in her service for the Master and pray also for the salvation of her mum JD.

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Mel Gibson’s Movie – ‘The Passion’ Some thoughts

In the run up to the release of this movie by Mel Gibson – ‘The Passion’ – I have received a number of inquiries asking for my views on it and to date I have not prepared an in-depth reply but in the wake of this very helpful article by Richard Bennett and Virgil Dunbar I would just like to quote a few extracts from some of the replies I sent to the inquiries I received –

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The abuse by ALF McCREARY

On a number of occasions I have challenged the publicly expressed views of ALF McCREARY who is the religious affairs correspondent of the Belfast Telegraph. By his own public admission he is an ordained Elder within the Irish Presbyterian Church although how in conscience he can maintain that in view of the regular conflict between the views expressed in his writings and the truths contained in his Supreme and Subordinate Standards of faith, namely The Bible and The Westminster Confession of Faith is to say the least ‘baffling’.

At this time of the year the 21 Presbyteries of the Irish Presbyterian Church vote to elect a new Moderator who then takes up his year of office in June each year. Last year was a very close vote with 11 Presbyteries voting for Rev Ivan McKay and 10 Presbyteries voting for Rev Ken Newell. Rev McKay would be identified with the ‘evangelical and non-ecumenical’ strand within Irish Presbyterianism whereas Rev Newell would be in the forefront of the ‘liberal and ecumenical’ strand.

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Legalising “evil” & Outlawing “good” – USA Style

As I read the following excellent article issued on 24 January 2004 by Roger Oakland who is the Director of the Christian ministry called ‘Understand The Times’ my mind was directed to the words of Isaiah 5:20 –  “Woe unto them who call evil, good and good, evil”

Cecil Andrews – ‘Take Heed’ Ministries – 25 January 2004


Imagine you are standing before a judge in an American courtroom. You have been accused of assaulting another person and are expecting to spend time in jail. Suddenly you hear the judge say, “instead of jail, your sentence will involve anger management. For your penalty, I’m sentencing you to yoga classes – based on the ancient Hindu philosophy of exercise and well-being. When it’s over, report to me and I’ll see how well you are doing.”

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The Legacy of the True Historical Patrick

by Richard Bennett

Ireland has a very distinctive history. It was an island untouched by the Roman legions, and Patrick, the Evangelist, brought to it the Gospel of grace. Patrick was himself descended from a family that had been, for two generations at least, in Christ Jesus. His father, he tells us was “the deacon Calpurnius, son of the late Potitus, a presbyter, of the settlement of Bannaven Taburniae.”[1][1]

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News From The Front – December 2003

Dear praying friends,

My sincere thanks to all those who prayed specifically for the visit of Shaun Willcock during the period 26 October – 9 November. During that time Shaun spoke at 17 meetings and his message shed much light on the reality of what has happened and is happening in his homeland as he spoke of ‘Contending for Christ in South Africa’. For those with Internet access his message given on 7 November can be listened to on Alternatively you can obtain an audiotape of the talk from us [price £2.00 includes p&p]. His exposure of the lie of the ‘modern-day miracle that is South Africa’ should sound as a wake up call to God’s people in these islands for the very same assault on the open preaching of the unique Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ that took place in South Africa and that is now enshrined in their Constitution and Laws is taking place in our homeland and is very likely to be enshrined in the proposed European Constitution and other laws under which we will have to live. Imprinted on all of these changes are the fingerprints of the Vatican [aided by her associates such as the World Council of Churches] who pull and manipulate the strings of political establishments all over the world. Shaun has just had published a book entitled “‘Holy War’ Against South Africa” giving a full account of the history and events in South Africa and if you would like a copy it can be obtained from us [price £11.50 includes p&p]. Please pray much and often for Shaun, his wife Stacey and their little daughter Bethany. Margaret and I send you all our love and greetings at this season and our thanks for all your faithful support.

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News From The Front – September 2003

Dear praying friends,

Since the issue of our last newsletter a lot of ground has been covered. For just over 3 weeks in July and August, Margaret and I travelled extensively in British Columbia and Alberta, Canada and also crossed into Washington State, USA. We drove some 2500 miles and as well as visiting relatives and sightseeing I also spoke at 7 meetings along the way on the work of ‘Take Heed’. We were much blessed as we met fellow believers who have a passion to “stand fast” in these dark days of rampant spiritual deception. Following our return home I was able, thanks to the response to our ‘Video Projector Appeal’, to purchase the necessary projector, video player and sound speaker. Sincere thanks to all who so generously responded. In our June newsletter I gave provisional details of the upcoming visit of Shaun Willcock. We do thank all who prayed for the provision of a car – the Lord through a brother in Christ has provided a vehicle so we praise Him for meeting this need. Enclosed with this newsletter is a leaflet giving final details of where Shaun will be speaking. Your prayers and presence where possible are earnestly coveted.

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In his book ‘52 Personality Profiles from the Bible’, former Principal of the Scottish Baptist College, R E O White wrote on page 20 in a chapter entitled ‘Barnabas the Good’ – ‘He was honoured with the nickname ‘Son of encouragement’ (or ‘comforting’) – the same word used of the Holy Spirit. No wonder that Bunyan modelled upon Barnabas the character of Mr Greatheart, companion, guide, defender and friend of all the weaker pilgrims on the King’s highway’. From time to time God has moved people to either ‘put pen to paper’ or to ‘email over the airwaves’ to express their gratitude for help given by ‘Take Heed’ or to commend ‘Take Heed’ for the stand taken for God’s truth.

In so doing these fellow-believers are following in what I have dubbed ‘THE BARNABAS TRADITION’. Barnabas as we have read in the brief profile above was one who encouraged those who were engaged in the Lord’s work. These expressions of gratitude to and solidarity with “Take Heed” have been sources of great encouragement to us and as another year draws to an end I hope that by sharing some of these messages with you that you, our readers, will likewise be encouraged and be energised to continue in your prayers for us.

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Derick Bingham and Philip Yancey


In the Belfast Telegraph of 19 July 2003 local author and Pastor, Derick Bingham, recommended to those interested in some ‘Summer reading’ a book called ‘What’s So Amazing About Grace’ by Philip Yancey. In so doing Derick Bingham is yet again directing Christians to the writings of someone whose beliefs would, in the light of God’s Word, be more than ‘questionable’ to say the least. Set out herewith are a couple of reports and also a web site link that will give some alternative views on the writings and beliefs of Philip Yancey.

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