Category Archives: Take Heed Ministries

News From The Front – June 2005

Dear praying friends,

I want to thank the many who contacted me to inquire how I was physically in the wake of the ‘roof space fall’ that I referred to in my opening letter of the March 2005 NEWS FROM THE FRONT. I did for a period of time experience some pain and discomfort in my back and shoulders caused by bruised/damaged muscles pressing on nerves but to all who prayed I am pleased to report that following 6 sessions of physiotherapy the problems have been put right so we give thanks to the Lord for His kindness and healing. I want now to bring a very special prayer request to your attention. In 2003 my wife Margaret and I attended the wedding of my niece Heather who lives in Canada. Heather is in her early thirties and following recent necessary and urgent surgery she has been diagnosed as having a particular form of cancer. She is scheduled to have 6 sessions of ‘strong’ chemotherapy – the first 3 being on 24 May, 14 June and 5 July [DV]. I would be most grateful if you would remember Heather in your prayers – praying both for her physical well being and also for her spiritual well being – she would not profess to be a believer, nor would her husband Dave whom I would also ask you to remember. Please pray also that the Lord might move in the midst of these difficult circumstances in the lives of their wider family circles.

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BBC 1 Newsround’s ‘ISLAM WEEK’

Earlier this year BBC 1 Children’s Television had a special week of programmes called ‘ISLAM WEEK’ that were broadcast on the children’s news programme called NEWSROUND. I had sent a number of emails to the BBC information office but eventually there was ‘silence’ on the part of the BBC so I then emailed the Director General of the BBC, Mark Thompson on 27 April and herewith is the email I sent him and subsequent emails that have been exchanged.

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Drawing Aside the Purple Curtain

The Papal System Today: an Analysis of the News


by Shaun Willcock

This past weekend – Saturday, April 2, 2005 – the pope of Rome, John Paul II, died and passed into eternity. For over a quarter of a century, this man reigned as pope in the Vatican – Satan’s Seat. He was the leader of the world’s 1.1 billion Roman Catholics. The turbulent years of the 1980s and 1990s are in so many ways dominated by the words and works of John Paul II. He presided over the world’s most iniquitous religion, Satan’s masterpiece itself, guiding it through some of its greatest setbacks and some of its greatest triumphs (for itself, that is).

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The Accomplishments of John Paul II by Richard Bennett

“No other world figure has commanded the admiration he has enjoyed as the globe-trotting (over 1/2 million miles) Pope. His kindly smile and fatherly wave have made the ‘Pope Mobile’ a legend. Although they might disagree with his theology, both Catholics and Protestants have joined in the accolades of praise for this man. …Billy Graham has extolled Pope John Paul, ‘as the conscience of the whole Christian world.’”[1] Continue reading

Belfast Beware – Kenneth Copeland and Benny Hinn are coming here shortly

It was during the second half of 2004 that I felt led of the Lord to invite someone to come to Belfast to speak on the topic of ‘GOD [channel] TV: helpful or Harmful’. Initially a speaker and series of meetings were provisionally planned for the end of January 2005 but the Lord over-ruled in both instances [the speaker and timing] and so now this topic is to be addressed by Alan Morrison in a series of meetings planned for 2nd-19th April [DV].

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News From The Front – March 2005

Dear praying friends,

On 2 separate occasions in early December my attention was drawn to the incident in the life of Matthew Henry some 300+ years ago when the gifted Bible Commentator was robbed and in his diary at the close of that day he wrote ‘Let me be thankful first, because I was never robbed before; second, because although they took my purse, they did not take my life; third, because although they took my all, it was not much; and fourth, because it was I who was robbed, not I who robbed’. That story was fresh in my mind when on 15th December whilst moving boxes in our roof space I, through my own negligence, fell out the opening up into our roof space and landed some 7 feet below on the broad of my back on our landing. I managed to get myself up onto our bed and as I lay there I thought of Matthew Henry and I simply prayed something along these lines ‘Let me be thankful first, because I have never fallen out of a roof space before; second, because although I am battered and bruised I’m not paralysed or killed; third, because although it was a big fall, the least possible has happened; and fourth, because it was I who fell and not Margaret’. To all who so regularly pray for the well being of Margaret and myself I say ‘thank you’ and I supremely thank the Lord that He cared when I was careless. As you will see from the enclosed schedule of meetings, Bob Liichow has not been able, due to family commitments, to come in April so I’m delighted to welcome back Alan Morrison to address the topic of ‘God [channel] TV’. Your prayers and attendance where possible will be welcomed.

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Whose ‘PURPOSE’ is Rick Warren serving?

ALPHA team up with RICK WARREN for their ‘LONDON LEADERSHIP’ conference

In recent years the ‘Church Growth Movement’ has looked increasingly for guidance to ‘The Message’ and ‘The Methods’ of one man and of one church. That man is RICK WARREN and the church is the church he pastors – SADDLEBACK COMMUNITY CHURCH in Southern California. His ‘Purpose Driven’ books have sold by the millions in Christian bookstores worldwide. Many churches have engaged in ’40 Days of Purpose’ and thousands of Pastors have attended seminars promoting Rick Warren’s ‘Purpose Driven’ vision for Christianity. However, the Bible tells us in Ecclesiastes 1:9 “THERE IS NO NEW THING UNDER THE SUN”. 

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Christian Response to BBC screening of ‘Jerry Springer – The Opera’

If like me you were one of the almost 50,000 people who contacted the BBC to protest against their screening of the vile and blasphemous ‘Jerry Springer – The Opera’ on BBC 2 Television on Saturday 8th January 2005 then the following course of lawful protest may be something you wish to seriously consider.

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World Community for Christian Meditation

The Belfast Telegraph [Churches Page] tonight carries an advert for ‘Christian Meditation’. Various contact details are given including a website. This website is titled ‘The World Community for Christian Meditation’. The aim of this site would appear to be to perpetuate the teachings of a man called ‘Father’ John Main who died in 1982. This work is now carried on by another Roman Catholic priest ‘Father’ Laurence Freeman OSB. The following is a short extract about Mr Freeman from the website itself –

Laurence Freeman was born in London, was educated by the Benedictines and then took a Masters Degree in English Literature at New College, Oxford.

His spiritual guide was Dom John Main whom Fr Laurence had known for many years even before entering the monastic life. He studied with Fr John in his novitiate and then assisted him with the establishment of the first Christian Meditation Centre in Londonin 1975 which was the origin of The World Community for Christian Meditation.

This advert is an example of a concentrated effort that is being made worldwide by various groups to promote a form of ‘Meditation’ that is most certainly not ‘Christian’. It is known by many names such as ‘Contemplative Prayer’ or ‘Mantra Meditation’ and is advocated by many best-selling so-called ‘Christian’ authors. For helpful resources and information the following website links will prove invaluable.


Cecil Andrews – ‘Take Heed’ Ministries – 15 January 2005