Category Archives: Take Heed Ministries

‘Jehovah’s Witnesses’: Keep ‘Awake’ to ‘Watchtower’ deceptions


Checking through our ministry web site I see that the last of 3 online articles that I have written on the subject of the ‘Jehovah’s Witnesses’ was back in 2005. Details of all 3 articles can be found on –

Just recently I was given copies of their July 2009 ‘Awake’ and their 1st July 2009 ‘Watchtower’ magazines that a friend had accepted from one of their ‘foot soldiers’ – these are the ‘Jehovah’s Witnesses’ who faithfully call regularly from door to door trying to encourage people into accepting these publications from one of the most enduring of all the religious cults – ‘yes’ – despite all their claims now to be ‘Christian’ they are still a non Christian cult.

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Elim Christian Centre Belfast invites “One Fluitt out of the Eagle’s Nest”


Just about this time last year [August 2008] the badly misnamed ‘Healing Revival’ in Lakeland, Florida was about to enter its death throes. The so-called anointed healer, Todd Bentley, would shortly be exposed as a drunken adulterer. Just a few weeks earlier on 23rd June 2008 a group of some 17 self-appointed ‘Apostles’ and ‘Prophets’ had made their way to Lakeland to take part in a ridiculous ‘commissioning service’ for both Mr Bentley and his soon to be forsaken and divorced wife Shonnah. A helpful account of this farcical event can be found on the web site of ‘Let Us Reason Ministries’ on

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Durham’s ‘Grand Canyon’: Well Mr Dawkins ‘pick the bones out of that one’

The following intriguing article appeared in the Mail Online of Wednesday 22nd July 2009 and can be viewed on –

The article was headed –

The Durham Grand Canyon: Flooding after heavy rain carves vast trench in farm land.

This is part of what was reported –

‘On Friday night (17th July), it was a perfectly ordinary, perfectly flat, cornfield.  By Saturday morning, it was riven in two by a vast trench up to 100ft across, 15ft deep and 200 yards long.  The enormous gully  –  so big that locals have called it ‘the Grand Canyon of Durham’  –  is believed to have been formed in a matter of minutes when millions of gallons of floodwater from surrounding farmland suddenly tore through the soil towards the River Wear. Simultaneously, the high waters of the Wear had broken the banks at exactly the same point  –  and in an instant, a new tributary to the river was formed. Luckily, no buildings were near enough to be affected.  Now the floodwater has drained away and the river has returned to its normal level, an almost empty canyon remains, with just a trickle of water at the bottom.  It is an extraordinary illustration of the power of nature  –  and shows that enough water, flowing with enough force, doesn’t need decades to carve a path through the earth. There was speculation that the flood had exposed the original course of the Wear, which was altered by monks in the 15th or 16th century. But Durham University geomorphologist Jeff Warburton, 47  –  who lives a couple of hundred yards from the new canyon  –  said it was not the ancient river bed, simply a new gully formed by a vast amount of water’.

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Those that deny ‘penal substitution’ are “the enemies of the cross of Christ”


Over recent years there has been a steady build up of opposition to and outright rejection of what some term as ‘the theory’ of ‘penal substitution’. Amongst the definitions for ‘theory’ is one that reads – ‘a conjectural view or idea’. When it comes then to understanding what was happening on “the cross of Christ” for the faithful Christian the doctrine of ‘penal substitution’ is not a matter of ‘conjecture’ but it is the factual and glorious heartbeat that sustains God’s gift of “eternal life” [Romans 6:23]. ‘Penal substitution’ is a factual divine truth that leaps from the pages of the Bible and to deny otherwise is quite simply to set oneself up as an ‘enemy of the cross of Christ’.

To begin with I want to quote a few lines from my own personal testimony that for years has been posted to our ministry web site –

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Mr Obama, will you be stopping for tea, if you visit Pakistan?

Since his inauguration as President of the United States of America, Barack Obama has made serious efforts to ingratiate himself even further with groups that would be very antagonistic towards Christian attitudes that are based on the teachings of Holy Scripture. Two such groups would be the‘pro-abortion’ lobby and the ‘gay marriage’ lobby.

In relation to ‘abortion’ the article on this link documents the distressing details of the first 100 days of Mr Obama being in The White House.

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In Cairo President Obama betrayed Jesus Christ when he claimed to be a Christian

On Radio Ulster’s ‘Sunday Sequence’ programme on Sunday morning, 7th June 2009, there was an item analysing the speech delivered by President Barack Obama at Cairo University on the previous Thursday, 4th June 2009. What was interesting was that the guests who were interviewed by presenter, William Crawley basically represented Jewish and Palestinian opinion – there was no Christian analytical input into the programme. As a result the programme focussed very much on the possible political ramifications of the speech for the Middle East area and Israel in particular. I want in this article to look at some of the spiritual ramifications of this speech, particularly as they impact upon the line in the speech when Barack Obama declared, I am a Christian”. To do this I’m going to pose some questions, then look at some specific extracts of this speech by Mr Obama, this self-proclaimed “Christian”, comment upon these extracts and show how such comments do represent a betrayal of the Lord Jesus Christ.

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News From The Front – June 2009

Dear praying friends,

I mentioned in my last newsletter how the BBC was ‘singing the praises’ of Charles Darwin and his [still] theory of Evolution. I happened to catch coverage of a March debate in the House of Lords the aim of which was also to extol the praises and merits of Darwin and Evolution. One Lord Harries of Pentregarth, the former Anglican Bishop of Oxford, took the opportunity to magnify the supposed scientific basis of Evolution in contrast to those misguided Christians who still believe in Creation as outlined in God’s Word. Back in my June 2002 newsletter I quoted the following about this then Bishop – Dr Richard Harries, the Bishop of Oxford said on Radio 4’s Thought for the Day ‘It is therefore quite extraordinary that 140 years later, after so much evidence has accumulated, a school in Gateshead is opposing evolutionary theory on alleged biblical grounds. Do some people really think that the worldwide scientific community is engaged in a massive conspiracy to hoodwink the rest of us’? The reality is that he is being used by a certain malevolent source to hoodwink people. Paul refers to him and his ilk in 2nd Corinthians 11:13-14 “such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ. And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light”. Evolution has also been a ‘godsend’ to outright atheists – see page 3. Meantime let us all, as we are given opportunity, take our stand for our Creator God.

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Mark Driscoll’s deviant teachings and MANDATE 2010

MARK DRISCOLL My FACEBOOK post of 13 August 2014

On 16th January 2009 I posted an article to our website entitled ‘Mark Driscoll’s approach to preaching’ and it can be viewed on this link

Mark Driscoll’s approach to preaching

It had not been my intention to return so soon to this topic but as it has been announced on Mark Driscoll’s church website that he has been lined up as the guest speaker for the 2010 MANDATE (men’s) conference in Belfast from 13th-15th November 2010.

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‘Synagogues of Satan’?


Green Belt 2008: Spring Harvest 2009: Summer Madness 2009

Whilst 3 different ‘Christian’ festivals are listed in the title to this article, the article itself will for the most part concentrate on the upcoming Spring Harvest 2009 festival scheduled for 4th – 19th April 2009. I will be focussing on the ramifications of their willingness to include a certain individual amongst their invited speakers and this ‘invited speaker’ is actually the common thread linking in the other 2 ‘Christian’ festivals, Green Belt 2008 and Summer Madness 2009 to this article.

Before proceeding any further I want to give some insight into the main heading for this article – ‘Synagogues of Satan’? The Lord Himself used this expression when He wrote to the Church in Smyrna. He was referring to a group of people in that area who clearly claimed to be God’s people but He said of them that they were “the synagogue of Satan” [Revelation 2:9]. They were a group that rejected both the Divine Person and the Redeeming Work of Jesus Christ. 

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Phil Johnson speaks on ‘Suitable language for the pulpit’

In the recently posted article ‘Mark Driscoll’s deviant teachings and MANDATE 2010’ I finished it by including a quote from a talk given by Phil Johnson at the ‘Shepherd’s Conference’ that was held earlier this month at Pastor John MacArthur’s Grace Community Church where Phil serves as an elder.

The subject matter of this talk is very relevant to the plans for the annual men-only MANDATE 2010 conference to be held in Belfast because of the choice of speaker – Mark Driscoll from Seattle.

Phil Johnson’s talk can be listened to by going to this link and clicking on mp3

I commend this message to all as Phil Johnson seeks to inject some Biblical sanity and sanitisation into the very high calling from God of preaching His Word in the pulpit.

Cecil Andrews – ‘Take Heed’ Ministries – 11th March 2009