Category Archives: Take Heed Ministries

The central error of ‘ONENESS’ refuted


Alan Cairns in his ‘Dictionary of Theological Terms’ has this entry on page 121 under he heading of ‘Sabellianism’ – ‘A form of Unitarianism named after Sabellius, a third century African Bishop; the heresy of modalistic monarchianism. It is the view that God is not only one single essence but one single person. Thus the names Father, Son and Holy Spirit are not personal names but modes or relations of the one divine person in His dealings with man. According to Sabellians the term Father referred to this one divine person when His incomprehensible greatness and sovereignty were in view. Son referred to His revelation to men and His becoming incarnate. Holy Spirit referred to His operating immediately upon the creature in the works of creation, providence or grace. In modern times Swedenborgianism and some so-called “ONENESS” sects have adopted Sabellian views’.

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J I Packer and ‘Mother’ Teresa

At the beginning of this year I was contacted by a friend and fellow-believer in England who asked me if I had any information or views on an addition included in the second printing of a book by J I Packer called ‘Rediscovering Holiness’.  This addition dealt with Mr Packer’s views of difficulties/doubts experienced by the late ‘Mother’ Teresa. I had not been aware of this addition to Mr Packer’s reprinted book and in the course of my investigations I came across a very helpful article on this link

and I plan now to reproduce this article here (I have highlighted some important portions in bold) and then by way of conclusion I shall make some comments of my own.

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Tony Blair is not alone in making the journey into the Roman Catholic Church. The path has been well trodden by various charismatic groups. On the surface, these groups would profess some allegiance to evangelical convictions. In practice, their actions show they are working to a different set of criteria.

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News From The Front – December 2009

Dear praying friends,

Writing to believers in Thessalonica Paul told of how they had “turned to God from idols to serve the living and true God” [1:9]. This obviously brought great joy to his heart. I fear that if Paul were to look at professing Christianity in the British Isles today his heart would be grieved and his spirit would be once more “stirred [provoked] in him” just as in Athens [Acts 17:16]. On 8th October Prince Philip opened a new wing at the Anglican Walsingham Shrine where each year a statue of Mary is paraded through the town. Next year, the one who promotes the idolatry of the Roman Catholic Mass, the Pope, is scheduled to visit Great Britain and rumour has it that he may stay at Buckingham Palace.

In September the Vatican announced that ‘the next International Eucharistic Congress, to focus on the Eucharist as communion with Christ’ would be held in Dublin, Ireland in 2012. On 20th October Rome announced formal plans to accept disenchanted Anglican clergy. Our lead article will highlight the march of Roman idolatry in the UK and the capitulation to it of the Church of England. God’s Word is short and simple “flee from idolatry” [1 Corinthians 10:14]. Locally in October that very subject evoked differing responses from an evangelical politician, the ‘culture minister,’ and a currently prominent evangelical ‘clerical minister’. The former quite rightly would not countenance attending a Mass under any circumstances whereas disappointingly the latter would. The politician was right – he realised that God’s glory ‘trumps’ community relations. John MacArthur summed such situations up perfectly when he wrote in his latest book ‘The Jesus You Can’t Ignore’ (p 70) “Jesus knew something evangelicals today often forget. Truth doesn’t defeat error by waging a public relations campaign”.

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‘The Manhattan Declaration’


Why faithful Christians SHOULD NOT sign it.

In many parts of the world today God’s people are truly horrified by much of the God-defying legislation that has been enacted by their governments in areas such as abortion, gay rights, same-sex partnerships, the total re-defining of marriage and civil liberties. In conscience this poses many problems about whether or not in these situations Christians should take a government-defying stand “to obey God rather than men” (Acts 5:29). In such cases Christians often feel a real sense of helplessness or impotence when it comes to opposing these vile laws and to declaring publicly God’s views on these subjects in a meaningful way.

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The Fort Hood Massacre: Don’t let the media or politicians ‘hoodwink’ you!

The murderous events that took place at Fort Hood on Thursday 5th November 2009 were truly shocking but what have been equally as shocking have been the concerted attempts by both the media and politicians to rule out the possibility that the actions of Major Nidal Malik Hasan were directly linked to his being a Muslim.

This attempted ‘removal of any blame from Islam’ has been taking place on both sides of the Atlantic. The BBC Newsnight programme of Friday 6th November was a prime example of this and it prompted me to send a complaint to the BBC. Currently this programme can be viwed on… and if you scroll forward to about 21-22minutes into the programme you will see their coverage of the Fort Hood massacre

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The occultic ‘ministry’ of Rick Joyner who is Todd Bentley’s ‘mentor’?

On 10th March this year I posted an article to our web site about Todd Bentley’s remarriage and plans for a relaunch back into ‘ministry’. In that article I quoted a statement put out by Rick Joyner of Morningstar Ministries who were seeking to ‘rehabilitate’ Todd Bentley. In his statement Mr Joyner wrote –

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‘Emerge Wales’

Today I received an email asking me if I had any information on a movement calling itself ‘Emerge Wales’. Set out below is the email I received together with a copy of my reply to that email. At the end of the article [immediately after my reply email] I have also included the full downloaded sections from the ‘Emerge Wales’ web site that I refer to in the email. I have also included a little scriptural anecdote that came to mind based on the National flag of Wales from where this movement originates.

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Peter Rollins of IKON is about to ‘EMERGE’ in America

In recent years evangelical/biblical Christianity has had to confront what has come to be known collectively as ‘The Emerging Church’. This is not some structured organisation espousing a ‘common creed’ but rather refers to an assorted group, made up of individual ‘pastors’, itinerant ‘evangelists’ and iconic ‘commentators’. The one common thread that they seem to share is their desire to undo the way evangelical/biblical Christianity has been proclaimed over the past 2000 years and instead they prefer to embark upon a path of ‘dialogue’ and ‘global conversation’ that does not expect ever to arrive at any given statement of ‘absolute truth’. They believe that for anyone to claim to have possession of ‘absolute truth’ in spiritual matters is a mark of sheer arrogance and for them an admission of not knowing anything spiritual absolutely is a mark of true humility and piety.

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News From The Front – September 2009

Dear praying friends,

Prominently and in the public eye we today have a President, a former Prime Minister and a purpose-driven Pastor all claiming allegiance to Jesus Christ. In this newsletter and enclosure you will read much about them and their common ‘vision’ for the future. Are they speaking and behaving, as true men of God ought to? It’s enlightening to note what C H Spurgeon wrote about Psalm 26:4-5 and its author, David – “So far from being himself an open offender against the laws of God, the Psalmist had not even associated with the lovers of evil. He had kept aloof from the men of Belial. A man is known by his company, and if we have kept ourselves apart from the wicked, it will always be evidence in our favour should our character be impugned… True citizens (of heaven) have no dealings with traitors. David had no seat in the parliament of triflers… We must needs see, and speak, and trade with men of the world, but we must on no account take our rest and solace in their empty society… as this vanity is often allied with falsehood… The congregation of the hypocrites is not one with which we should cultivate communion; their ultimate rendezvous will be the lowest pit of hell”. Social and political goals should never cause us to trifle with or compromise the uniqueness of the Person and work of the only Saviour of men, the Lord Jesus Christ – to do so is a mark of ‘sitting with vain persons’ (v 4) and ‘sitting with the wicked’ (v 5) – such intentions do not reveal men after God’s heart. May we all, like David “walk in His truth” (v 3).

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