Category Archives: Take Heed Ministries

News From The Front – September 2010

Dear praying friends,

As mentioned in my last 2 newsletters I have been giving serious thought to the future strategy and functioning of ‘Take Heed’ in the light of a number of relevant factors. As promised I am enclosing herewith a further ‘personal letter’ that sets out my settled line of thought on these issues – a line that I trust will still enable me to serve the Lord and His people to the glory of His name.

In particular for those without computers can I draw attention to the short letter that needs to be returned to me requesting inclusion in a new mailing list being drawn up to enable me to send out an annual ‘review’ letter.

Returning to this present newsletter, as you will see, all but the last page has been devoted to an exposure of the ever present challenge posed by The Papacy to the Lordship of the Lord Jesus Christ. As you receive this newsletter, the UK will be on the brink of a visit by the present Pope, Benedict XVI. In the 19th century Bishop J C Ryle wrote ‘We are in imminent peril of re-union with Rome’ – considering the spiritual state of the nation I think the ‘imminent peril’ could be described more as a ‘take-over by’ rather than a ‘re-union with’ Rome. May ‘the candle’ for truth, lit by the martyr Hugh Latimer, shine brightly in these days.

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The 2010 Papal visit to the UK: by Shaun Willcock

The Roman Antichrist, Benedict XVI, visited the United Kingdom in September 2010. This was the first official state visit by a pope of Rome to the country since the Reformation, when King Henry VIII broke with Rome in 1534 and the so-called “Church of England” (the Anglican institution) was established with the king as its head. Although Benedict’s predecessor, John Paul II, visited Britain in 1982, it was not an official state visit, but was billed as a “pastoral visit” by the spiritual leader of Britain’s Roman Catholics, coming to visit his flock. Even so, however, John Paul II was received by Queen Elizabeth II, and so it was, still, a political visit, even if not officially a “state visit.” The pope of Rome, as the head of a political state – Vatican City – travels, always, as both a political and a religious leader. But in 1982 there was a pretence of the visit being merely pastoral. This time round it was all out in the open: Benedict XVI was coming on an official state visit to the United Kingdom.

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News From The Front – June 2010

Dear praying friends,

I want to begin by saying a very big ‘thank you’ to the many folks who contacted me in the wake of the personal letter that I enclosed with my March newsletter. I was very touched by the expressions of concern and also helped much by the constructive comments and suggestions. As I said in that letter I hope to include a further letter with my September newsletter [DV]. We are still considering a number of possible options concerning the future and ministry so please do continue to pray on that the Lord will make His will for us ‘crystal clear’.

Whatever circumstances unfold in our lives we will endeavour to adopt the following (latter) attitude – this quote was passed on to me by a good Pastor friend who jotted it down when his church hosted a visiting missionary. The missionary said “Circumstances can come between us and our faith in God, OR we can put our faith in God between us and our circumstances”.

Worldwide there is much uncertainty ‘in the air’ at present but as children of the living God may we, through faith, know that peace that passeth all understanding.

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President Zuma Prays for South Africans to be “Good” During the World Cup

SOUTH AFRICA UPDATE – Dispatches from a Darkening Corner of the Dark Continent – President Zuma Prays for South Africans to be “Good” During the World Cup

by Shaun Willcock

The purpose of these article sis to provide insightful comment on the contemporary South African and southern African scene from a Christian, “politically-incorrect” perspective, in order to counter the propaganda of the Reds, almost-Reds (liberals and others), religious Reds (“liberation theologians”), and all their fellow-travellers; and to encourage Christians to pray for the people of this beautiful but desperately needy part of the world, and especially for their Christian brethren living here; and to do what they can to assist them.

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Creation-believing Christians labelled ‘certifiably deranged’

The ‘Letters’ page of the Belfast Telegraph has in recent weeks been ‘red hot’ with letters and comments on Biblical topics such as The Ark and The Flood, The parting of the Red Sea and of course the ongoing ‘debate’ of creation v evolution. This latter was in particular fuelled by a request from one of our local politicians, Nelson McCausland, [an Evangelical Christian] that the recently refurbished Ulster Museum should broaden its ‘origins’ section to include Biblical Creationism, a view that is held to by a sizable percentage of the population in Northern Ireland.

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The ongoing diabolical debacle of ‘GOD TV’

Back in June 2008 at the height of the Todd Bentley so-called ‘healing revival’ in Lakeland Florida I posted an article to our web site on this link –

Todd Bentley and GOD TV

In that article I told how ‘GOD TV’, promoted by Rory and Wendy Alec, were fully endorsing and broadcasting the antics of Todd Bentley in Florida.

In my article I also provided a link to the video of a talk given in 2005 by my invited guest, Alan Morrison, when he addressed for me the topic ‘GOD TV: Helpful or Harmful?’

During the course of Alan’s talk we showed video of an April 2004 fund-raising broadcast by ‘GOD TV’ that was truly diabolically disturbing – in particular the rantings and ravings of Wendy Alec herself.

In recent days the Alecs have once more been seeking to raise funds for ‘GOD TV’ and sadly their antics are equally as diabolical and disturbing as in times past. You can watch a segment of their latest appeal for funds below. 

Seventh-day Adventist pastor resigns as he can no longer preach “another gospel”


In my September 1999 ‘News From The Front’ that can be viewed on 

I included an article called ‘Seventh-day Adventism: Christian or Cult’?

Towards the end of that article I wrote – ‘By their teachings on this subject Seventh-day Adventists have a wrong view of the work of Christ at Calvary and in consequence they have a wrong view on salvation… That is the teaching of a CULT, it is NOT CHRISTIAN and it lays the foundation for the grace + works ‘gospel’ of Seventh-day Adventism’.

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News From The Front – March 2010

Dear praying friends,

Last October (2009) marked the 20th anniversary of my leaving secular employment to seek the Lord’s will for full-time Christian service and God willing this coming September (2010) will mark the 20th anniversary of the founding of ‘Take Heed’ Ministries. Enclosed with this newsletter is a personal letter to all on the mailing list indicating that another ‘landmark’ event is now showing up on the radar of my life – an event that may signal some changes in the future strategy and functioning of ‘Take Heed’. Time is such a precious gift from God – Moses saw his life divided up into 3 ‘chapters’ of 40 years each and without doubt the first 2 ‘chapters’ [Egypt and Midian] prepared and equipped him for probably the greatest ‘chapter’ of all – the last one when he was commissioned by God to go to Egypt and secure the release of God’s people from their bondage and to lead them towards the Promised Land. Bearing this in mind the words of Moses as recorded in Psalm 90:12 – “So teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom” – clearly come from the heart of one who had learnt this great truth along his journey of life. C H Spurgeon commented ‘It is most meet (fitting) that the heart which will so soon cease to beat should while it moves be regulated by wisdom’s hand. A short life should be wisely spent.’ John MacArthur commented ‘The Psalmist had the right perspective in Psalm 90:12… Wisdom numbers the days, sees the limited time and buys the opportunity. Don’t be foolish – shun opportunities for evil, but seize opportunities for good’. These words have been easy for me to type and for you to read – may God help us all to apply the wisdom learnt as our days unfold. May you all know His blessing in 2010 and beyond [DV].

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‘End Time Fellowship’ Glengormley and William Marrion Branham



In recent weeks adverts have been placed in the Belfast Telegraph for meetings being organised by a group called ‘End Time Fellowship’ and as you will see from the under noted copy of their advert they are promoting the teachings of William Marrion Branham. Just recently I also received an inquiry from a brother in Christ who had been made aware that a fellowship in Spain was likewise promoting the teachings of Mr Branham. Below the advert I will set out some of the main false teachings of the late Mr Branham who most certainly can be classed as a heretic.

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The Vatican-Obama Alliance by Shaun Willcock

U.S. President Barack Obama is not a Roman Catholic. He is a Marxist, he attends a radical “church”, and he has strong connections with Islam. But he is not a Romanist. He is rabidly pro-abortion, which Rome, at least officially, is not, and he espouses certain other ideologies and causes which Rome, at least officially, does not. Nevertheless, Obama is extremely close to the Roman Catholic institution, has been closely connected to and supported by certain radical Roman Catholic or Roman Catholic-supported organisations, and is in fact advancing Rome’s agenda for the United States.

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