Category Archives: Take Heed Ministries

Tony Campolo to speak in Belfast on 23 October 2012


Recent adverts in the Belfast Telegraph have announced that Tony Campolo is to speak in The (Elim) Ulster Temple in Belfast on Tuesday 23 October. Also appearing on ‘the same bill’ will be well-known modern hymn-writer Graham Kendrick. The visit is being organised by a group called ‘Compassion’ and a leading figure in Crown Jesus Ministries based in Belfast would be supportive as an ‘ambassador’ for the work of ‘Compassion’.

Whilst I understand the evening is being organised to focus upon humanitarian matters and it is hoped that it will result in sponsorship for needy children trapped in poverty it is nevertheless being promoted as a ‘Christian’ event and that is why I believe serious concerns about the main speaker, Tony Campolo, must be aired.

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The real truth concerning Cecil UKIP and Revelation TV

In recent times a document has been posted online that has sought to discredit myself personally and ‘Take Heed’ as a ministry. It has been penned by a group that claims to be Christian and to have a love for “truth” and in it they have sought to use their understanding of God’s “truth” to undermine my own Christian testimony and witness. In this article I shall address two issues mentioned in their document, namely, what they had to say about my connection to UKIP (United Kingdom Independence Party) and my appearance earlier this year on Revelation TV.

Turning first to UKIP this is what they wrote in their document –

In a communication posted on his website back in June 2006 Mr. Andrews made the following comment to a Mr. Wilkes, I quote “Mr Wilkes has sought to somehow align me or identify me with a fraternal and a political dimension, both of which I have studiously avoided being involved with as I believe the ministry of ‘Take Heed’ is best served by TOTAL SEPARATION from any such involvement”. Mr Andrews has obviously had a miraculous change of mind and it is unbelievable that Mr Andrews is associated with a worldly political party, UKIP to be exact.

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FALSE “REVIVAL ‘12”?: Robin Mark and Nicky Gumbel

The Belfast Telegraph of Saturday 16th June 2012 carried an advert for “Revival ‘12”: ‘A celebration of music and faith’ to be held on Friday 28th September in The Odyssey, Belfast. It is being organised by ‘Revival Network UK’ and features musician Robin Mark and the man most associated with The Alpha Course, Nicky Gumbel.

As I write this article the Roman Catholic ‘World Eucharistic Congress’ is coming to an end in Dublin and Nicky Gumbel was an invited guest speaker at a pre-Congress meeting where he spoke on ‘Communion in our Common Baptism’ – based presumably upon the section in Vatican 2 that states in the “Decree on Ecumenism”, Chapter 1: paragraph 3 “in subsequent centuries… large communities became separated from full communion with the (Roman) Catholic Church… However one cannot charge with the sin of separation those who at present are born into these communities and in them are brought up in the faith of Christ, and the (Roman) Catholic Church accepts them with affection as brothers. For men, who believe in Christ and have been properly baptised are put in some, though imperfect communion with the (Roman) Catholic Church” – in response let me say loudly and clearly – I believe in the Lord Jesus Christ and I have been ‘properly baptised’ in accordance with what the Scriptures teach and I am most certainly NOT in any sort of ‘communion’, imperfect or otherwise, with the Roman Catholic Church and furthermore no true Christian is either.

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Dr Keith McCrory: Echoing the ‘Vatican View’ on Evolution and Creation

Maynooth Community Church: Dr Keith McCrory:

Echoing the ‘Vatican View’ on Evolution and Creation

Back on 18th October 2011 I posted an article to the ministry web site entitled –

Maynooth Community Church: Promoting the Jesuit Cause

The link to that particular article is – and in it I related how the minister of the church (the latest congregation to be admitted into the Presbyterian Church in Ireland), Dr Keith McCrory had arranged a special conference where the guest speaker, a fellow Presbyterian minister colleague, Tom Wilson, had been lined up to extol ‘the (infamous) virtues’ of the ‘Spiritual Exercises’ of Ignatius Loyola (founder of the Jesuits).

It has now been brought to my attention that in a magazine called VOX, published in that same month of October 2011, there appeared an article by Dr Keith McCrory entitled –

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The ‘Prophetic Poison’ of Gerald Coates in ‘Songs of Praise’

On Sunday 27th November 2011 the BBC 1 Television programme ‘Songs of Praise’ began the first in a series of ‘Advent’ programmes in the run up to Christmas. The theme for this particular programme focussed on Old Testament ‘prophecies’ that foretold the birth of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Handled correctly and biblically this should not have proved to have been any threat to Orthodox Christian belief – however we must remind ourselves that this was produced by the overtly anti-Christian BBC and true to form they arranged for the programme to be laced with what I have termed‘Prophetic Poison’.

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U S Presidential candidate Mitt Romney IS a MORMON and IS NOT a CHRISTIAN.

As the preliminaries for the next U S Presidential race begin to hot up, on the Republican side, one name that is emerging as a possible front-runner is that of Mitt Romney – no stranger to such Presidential candidacy hustings.

It is well known that Mitt Romney unashamedly declares himself to be a Mormon, an enthusiastic member of ‘The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints’.  An interesting article outlining Mr Romney’s Mormon connection and involvement appeared in the New York Daily News prior to his last Presidential attempt back in 2007/2008 and it can be located on

Another excellent article entitled ‘Mitt Romney’s Mormonism’ is located on and gives much background to his longstanding family connections with the religion.

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Maynooth Community Church: Promoting the Jesuit Cause.

The web site of Maynooth Community Church is located on  

From their ‘How we got started’ section we learn the following –

‘MCC first began in September 2002 when a little group of nine people started meeting together to pray and study the bible here in Maynooth… A few years later, with the help of the wider Presbyterian church, the opportunity to try something new arose and it seemed that Maynooth was the obvious place for both of these hopes to be realised. Keith (McCrory) left his job as a Youth Development Officer to lead the team and as a first step we decided to start a new home group in the town and see what happened. When this group had grown in size to around 20 we then began to hold monthly services in the Post-Primary School on the Moyglare Rd in February 2003.  Since more people were coming along the decision was then taken to move to weekly services. It was thus in the autumn of that year that ‘Maynooth Community Church’ was officially launched, our first weekly service being on Sunday 7th September 2003. 

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MARK DRISCOLL My FACEBOOK post of 13 August 2014

Just about 9 months ago Belfast was gearing up for the visit of Mark Driscoll to be the headline speaker at the annual MANDATE men’s conference. As early as May 2009 I had posted a warning article highlighting in particular the lewd language used publicly by Mr Driscoll on a number of occasions and I also mentioned his participation in the planned November 2010 conference in Belfast.

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