Category Archives: Take Heed Ministries

‘THE GREAT CONTROVERSY’ – A book to avoid


Like every household in Northern Ireland we get our regular mail delivery of promotional leaflets advertising the sale items available in the likes of stores such as ‘Lidl’, ‘Spar’ and ‘Vivoxtra’. Tucked in this week amongst those colourful leaflets was a plain black and white A5 sized leaflet headed ‘THE GREAT CONTROVERSY’.

Part of the text on the leaflet read as follows – ‘As each day passes we see and hear snippets and details of news, but is there more? We sense there is – for we hear of international monetary systems, a global curriculum for education… a world parliament of religions and an international version of the Bible. Who plans such things? Who takes the lead – and why?… Did you know that the Bible speaks of these events? There is a conflict going on, but is it the one you think it is? … The FREE book we are offering speaks of this – You need this powerful book today! “THE GREAT CONTROVERSY” is an essential read… Why not read the book and examine its claims and test the evidence for yourself’.

This leaflet was issued by the Seventh-day Adventist Church and is promoting one of the major books written by their founding ‘prophetess’ Ellen G White. It contains the major heresies promoted by this cultic grouping and if you go to the article on the link I will provide you can read why one former SDA pastor eventually resigned because of these heresies. You will also see my own additional comments on a number of their false teachings including a section on ‘The Great Controversy’. The link to the article is

and a further helpful article can also be found on

Cecil Andrews – ‘Take Heed’ Ministries – 19 March 2014

ALPHA team up with RICK WARREN for their ‘LONDON LEADERSHIP’ conference

ALPHA team up with RICK WARREN for their ‘LONDON LEADERSHIP’ conference

ALPHA team up with RICK WARREN for their ‘LONDON LEADERSHIP’ conference


ALPHA have lined up RICK WARREN to be one of the main speakers at their ‘Leadership Conference’ to be held in the Royal Albert Hall in London on 5-6 May. Full details can be found on

The ALPHA Course is a spiritually ‘deadly’ so-called Bible course and with his ‘ministry’ track record it is really no surprise that Rick Warren would feel at home in such surroundings.

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Is DALLAS WILLARD to be trusted when he writes about “HEARING GOD”?

Is DALLAS WILLARD to be trusted  when he writes about “HEARING GOD”?

Is DALLAS WILLARD to be trusted when he writes about “HEARING GOD”?


In a recent article I wrote called  

Can ‘BROTHER LAWRENCE’ be viewed as a true ‘BROTHER IN CHRIST’?

I directed folks to the excellent (second edition) book by Ray Yungen which is called ‘A Time of departing’. In that book Mr. Yungen also made reference to Dallas Willard.

On page 156 Ray Yungen wrote – ‘In the back of The Emerging Church (a book by Dan Kimball) under the recommended resources section, Kimball lists several books written by contemplatives. Some of these include Sacred Pathways by Gary Thomas, Renovation of the Heart by Dallas Willard, Messy Spirituality by Mike Yaconelli, In the Name of Jesus by Henri Nouwen,Boof of Uncommon Prayer by Steve Case and Four Views of the Church in Postmodern Culture by Leonard Sweet. All of these authors share one thing in common – the belief that we need the silence to draw close to God and that silence is reached through contemplative prayer’

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Should I ‘LIKE’ Max Lucado?

Should I ‘LIKE’ Max Lucado?

Should I ‘LIKE’ Max Lucado?


Recently I received an invitation via FACEBOOK to ‘LIKE’ the Facebook site of Max Lucado. In response to the invitee I wrote the following –

Dear xxxx,
I see that you have invited me to ‘LIKE’ Max Lucado. Mr Lucado is someone that I have mentioned on a couple of occasions in my writings over the years. On this link under a heading of ‘Alf McCreary and Christian Integrity’ I wrote these words – “Whilst reading Pastor John MacArthur’s devotional thoughts for 1 June in his book ‘Strength For Today’ I was forcibly struck and challenged by these words ‘Christian integrity has been defined as the absence of compromise and the presence of biblical convictions’… As I thought in particular of those words ‘the absence of compromise and the presence of biblical convictions’ I thought of many so-called ‘evangelicals’ like J I Packer, Bill Bright, Os Guinness, Max Lucado, Charles Colson and others who in recent years have signed away any Christian integrity they might have had by putting their names to the various ‘Evangelical and Catholics Together’ documents; In the case of Mr Lucado he was a signatory to the second ‘Evangelicals and Catholics Together’ document entitled ‘The Gift of Salvation’ 

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Can ‘BROTHER LAWRENCE’ be viewed as a true ‘BROTHER IN CHRIST’?


On 20 January 2014 I received an email from a Christian – the subject matter of his email was ‘Brother Lawrence’ and in his email he posed this question – ‘Do you believe that the above monk was a true believer and would you be happy to recommend a believer to read his book’?

The ‘book’ in question is called ‘The Practice of the Presence of God’ and on one web site I gleaned the following information –

Brother Lawrence (1605-1691) The Practice of the Presence of God is a collection of letters and transcriptions of conversations, compiled by a disciple of Brother Lawrence. Brother Lawrence was a Carmelite monk and head cook in his monastery’s kitchens. He quickly gained an international reputation as a mystic and spiritual counselor. The Practice of the Presence records his last words of advice to his friends and disciples, as he suffered from an unnamed illness which would eventually take his life.

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