Category Archives: Take Heed Ministries

ALBERTO RIVERA: A true or false ‘brother’?

ALBERTO RIVERA: A true of false ‘brother’?

ALBERTO RIVERA: A true of false ‘brother’?


I recall in the immediate years following my conversion in August 1984 being given by another Christian two booklets titled as follows –

ALBERTO  – Part One
DOUBLE-CROSS  – Alberto Part Two 

They were published by CHICK PUBLICATIONS and followed very much a comicstyle format. As a young believer they were riveting but in the years that followed I began to hear doubts being expressed by other professing Christians, not only about the content but also about the character of the central person in these booklets, Alberto Rivera.

Having viewed some articles on the Internet it is clear that there are many people claiming either to debunk the ‘content’ claims made by Alberto Rivera for his ‘priestly past’ or others staunchly defending those claims.

This short article seeks to highlight both the writings and a taped message by someone who had personal contact for a period of time with Alberto Rivera and that is Shaun Willcock of Bible Based Ministries, based in South Africa. What is interesting is that in his writings and in his taped message Shaun Willcock remains basically ‘neutral’ on the ‘content’ question of Alberto Rivera’s ‘priestly past’ and focuses rather on other vitally important ‘character’ matters that others perhaps have not highlighted or drawn attention to.

The taped message by Shaun Willcock can be heard on

The writings by Shaun Willcock can be accessed on

Cecil Andrews – ‘Take Heed’ Ministries – 16 May 2016




Over the years of ‘Take Heed’ Ministries I have quite often been asked for my thoughts and views on Homeopathy. Usually this has been in the wider context of ‘Alternative Healing Therapies’ many of which have come to be associated with ‘New Age’ thinking.

Last year (February 2015) I posted an article to the ministry web site under the title of –


And it can be accessed on

From page 11 of that article through to page 13 I make some general references to some of these practices including Homeopathy before then focussing for a time on Aromatherapy. At the bottom of page 12 and the top of page 13 I wrote this –

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Steve Chalke’s poisoned ‘Oasis Church’



Back in 2013 I wrote an article with the following title

STEVE CHALKE: Yet another who is “waxing worse and worse” 2nd Timothy 3:13 APPENDIX ADDED 5th MARCH 2013

It can be accessed on

Most of that article dealt with Steve Chalke’s unscriptural, anti-biblical views on the subject of so-called ‘same-sex marriage’. Sadly Mr Chalke is continuing his downward spiral and “waxing worse and worse” as the recent article on this link demonstrates

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Did Jesus predict Mohammed?


This short article is simply a reprint of a post I made today on FACEBOOK but I felt it should be reproduced as an article on the ministry web site because of the relevance of the topic. There are ‘voices’ trying to ‘marry together’ the religion of Christianity and the ideology of Islam – they are deceiving ‘voices’ and must be firmly and biblically resisted and that is my hope for this article.

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In recent times the outreach ‘strategy’’ of those who call themselves Jehovah’s Witnesses has broadened from being in the past mainly door-to-door outreach activity to now encompassing street/market-place outreach activity. Where we live in Ballynahinch there is a weekly market held in the town centre on a Thursday and Margaret shops in it most weeks. Recently she stopped at the portable stand erected and staffed most weeks by these so-called Jehovah’s Witnesses and took a copy of their AWAKE magazine (No.1 2016). She took it as she thought it might be of some interest and use to me and I’m glad she did because in it there is a very interesting item on pages 7-9.

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CRI : Misleadingly ‘soft’ on Roman Catholicism

CHRISTIAN RESEARCH INSTITUTE: Misleadingly ‘soft’ on Roman Catholicism

CHRISTIAN RESEARCH INSTITUTE: Misleadingly ‘soft’ on Roman Catholicism


In the early years after my conversion and, with a growing interest in ‘apologetics’, I soon became aware of the work of the Christian Research Institute and its ‘leading light’, its founder and director, the late Dr. Walter Martin. Over a number of years I regularly subscribed to and received their ministry magazine that contained many helpful articles on various cults and non-Christian religions.

However, I was saddened, disappointed and dare I say it, even shocked, by a series of articles they published in 1993 (some 4 years after the death of Dr Martin) on the subject of Roman Catholicism. Whilst their analysis of that religion was at times helpful, the eventual conclusions that they reached seemed to me to be dangerously misleading and evidenced a ‘soft’ approach to the subject under consideration.

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POPE FRANCIS and SYNCRETISM – All Roads Leading To God?

POPE FRANCIS and SYNCRETISM - All Roads Leading To God?

POPE FRANCIS and SYNCRETISM – All Roads Leading To God?


On Tuesday 5th January 2016 Pope Francis published a first-ever video outlining his ‘prayer intentions’ and he called upon people to ‘spread my prayer request this month’. The content of that video has caused quite a stir and you can read a full account of it and the reaction to it by going to –

There is a link to the video at the foot of the article but, just as a back-up, this link will also let you see what the Pope had to say –

Crucial statements in the Christian News article read as follows

Pope Francis called for dialogue and collaboration among those of the various world religions on Tuesday, asserting that they are simply “seeking or meeting God in different ways”…

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The Pope of Rome in Africa 2015: Why now?

The Pope of Rome in Africa 2015: Why now?

The Pope of Rome in Africa 2015: Why now?


Earlier this year my good brother in Christ, Shaun Willcock, of ‘Bible
Based Ministries’ in South Africa wrote a detailed and comprehensive
article assessing the Papal visit to America that had just taken place. It
was titled –

“The Pope of Rome in America 2015: Why now?”
and it could be accessed on –

and was I know appreciated by many.

In a similar vein and following the recent Papal visit to Africa Shaun has
just published another article entitled –

“The Pope of Rome in Three African Countries 2015: Why now?”

and it can be accessed on

I trust that once more it may be helpful to many.

Cecil Andrews – ‘Take Heed’ Ministries – 15th December 2015


Ministry Update Letter : July 2015 – December 2015

Ministry Update Letter :  July 2015 – December 2015

Ministry Update Letter : July 2015 – December 2015


Dear praying friends and supporters of ‘Take Heed’, Following on from my letter in June the second half of 2015 included a ‘landmark’ date where ‘Take Heed’ Ministries was concerned. It was back on 1 st September 1990 that I launched the ministry so on 1 st September 2015 the ministry marked its 25th anniversary. A short article was posted to the ministry web site and I made reference to ‘biblical mathematics’. In that short article I wrote –

TWENTY-FIVE is evidently the number for the FORGIVENESS of sins… The number TWENTYFIVE is connected with a PARDON for Jehoiachin, King of Judah. Read Jeremiah 52:31-32. Jeremiah states that Jehoiachin’s prison garments were changed and that he did eat bread before him all the days of his life (v 33). Here is a picture of a pardoned sinner. This happened on the TWENTY-FIFTH day of the month. What a beautiful picture of Christ who forgives our sins, changes our garments and feeds us on the bread of life all of our days… How fitting that on this anniversary the emphasis when considering ‘25’ should be on the gracious saving work of the Lord Jesus Christ and not on any “reasonable service” (Romans 12:1).

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Items in ‘the news’ this week have included yet another murderous Islam-inspired barbarity (this time in America) and also special events to mark the 10th anniversary of the death of soccer legend, George Best.

In everyday life we see the ongoing incursion of LGBT ‘equal rights’ into the lives of those out of step with such a ‘lifestyle’.

In pulpits and papers we see, hear and read ‘Christian’ messages totally at odds with “the narrow way” proclaimed by the Lord Jesus Christ.

Whilst searching the ministry web site for a quote by Abraham Lincoln that could be applied to those who hold to the world-view espoused by those who carried out the atrocity in San Bernadino I eventually located it in my ministry newsletter of MARCH 2006. As I read through that almost 10-year old newsletter I was greatly struck by how relevant and applicable what I wrote back then in all the articles in that newsletter is to current events such as those I have mentioned.

If you would like to read what I wrote then you can do so by going to

Cecil Andrews – ‘Take Heed’ Ministries – 4 December 2015