Category Archives: Take Heed Ministries





In recent decades several distinct ‘groupings’ have appeared on the professing Christian scene and amongst the designations ascribed to them are ‘The Emergent Church’ and ‘The User-Friendly Church’. 

Trying to explain, consider and then critique their views in the light of God’s Word is no easy matter but two videos have been made in recent years that attempt to do just that and from an orthodox Biblical Christian perspective.

The videos are titled ‘The Real Roots of The Emergent Church’ and ‘Church of Tares’ and I have graciously received permission to post both of these videos to the ministry YouTube site.

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THE CHURCH: Satan’s Sustained Subversion

THE CHURCH : Satan’s Sustained Subversion

THE CHURCH : Satan’s Sustained Subversion


On 19th March 2013 Dr E S Williams (author of the excellent book ‘The New Calvinists: Changing the Gospel’) gave a very informative, enlightening and topical talk on how Satan has been continually seeking to subvert the truth of the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ.

In his talk he charts the impact upon the true Gospel of the likes of ‘Higher Criticism’, ‘New Evangelicalism’, ‘The Church Growth Movement’, ‘The Purpose Driven Movement’, ‘The Lausanne Movement’ and ‘The Emerging Church Movement’.

Dr Williams identifies key figures who have been involved in this sustained subversion – people like Norman Vincent Peale, Robert Schuller, Billy Graham, John Stott, Rick Warren, Tim Keller, and Mark Driscoll to name but some.

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DAVID ICKE : A Christ-rejecting fantasist

DAVID ICKE - A Christ-rejecting fantasist

DAVID ICKE – A Christ-rejecting fantasist


Whilst recently converting a short TV interview that I had on video tape (of Tony Campolo on a local TV programme called ‘Kelly’) I came across another interview from another ‘Kelly’ programme that aired some two weeks later on 25th March 1994. In this case the person being interviewed was DAVID ICKE. This is a man who used to present sports programmes on TV and then gave it all up to share his own peculiar views and philosophy.

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Website Improvement

Dear Friends of ‘Take Heed’,

As we seek to improve the website we are currently moving some of the older articles over into the new site. Every time a new article is posted into the new site you will receive an e-mail. 

We are sorry for any inconvenience this may cause. 

Yours faithfully

‘Take Heed’ Webmaster 


TONY CAMPOLO no longer an Evangelical


So, TONY CAMPOLO has ‘come out’ and declared that he no longer views himself as an ‘Evangelical Christian’. Well at least he’s acknowledging what he never was and what in my view he probably currently is not.

I have drawn attention to the unscriptural and spiritually dangerous beliefs held by this man on a number of occasions and herewith are links to those warnings.

The ‘testimony’ of Tony Campolo


Tony Campolo to spearhead ‘HISTORY MAKERS’ initiative

Tony Campolo to speak in Belfast on 23 October 2012


TATTOOS: ‘To do or not to do?’

TATTOOS : ‘To do or not to do?’

TATTOOS : ‘To do or not to do?’


Today I received and email inquiry concerning the subject of ‘TATTOOS’ – the practice of adding these ink markings to human bodies has to be honest reached ‘epidemic’ proportions. So how do we as Christians react to this current fad? Well, herewith is a copy of the email I received together with a copy of my reply and I hope it may be helpful to fellow Christians if asked about this subject.

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A recent edition of the BBC’s ‘Songs of Praise’ contained a short feature on the famous authoress Beatrix Potter and what caught my attention was the reference made to the fact that she was a UNITARIAN. A few days prior to the broadcast marked the 150th anniversary of the birth of Beatrix Potter and helpful information can be found on this article

This is a religious grouping that I have rarely made mention of in my writings and so this article seeks to address that ‘omission’.

Whilst there are some officially designated ‘Unitarian’ churches in Ireland, here in Northern Ireland another group of churches that would closely ‘fit the description’ of UNITARIAN would be those of the Non-Subscribing Presbyterian Church (One of these churches – ‘All Souls’ in Elmwood Avenue in Belfast regularly hosts a ‘service’ for the LGBT community on the day after their ‘Pride Parade’ through Belfast – details for 2016 can be seen on

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Understanding Mormon Vocabulary

Understanding Mormon Vocabulary

Understanding Mormon Vocabulary


Over the past year, in articles that I have been publishing on the ministry web site, I have included the text of some tracts that were written and published in the early years of ‘Take Heed’ Ministries.


The relevant articles for these can be accessed on –

This article will include the text of the remaining tract published in those early days of ‘Take Heed’ Ministries and it was titled ‘’Understanding Mormon Vocabulary’. One of the difficulties with assessing the views of differing religious groupings such as ‘The Mormons’ is that they use vocabulary that is familiar to true Christians but the problem is that they actually define that vocabulary in distinctly scripturedenying or scripture-contradicting terms.

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Annual Review Letter June 2016

Ministry Update Letter : January 2016 – June 2016

Ministry Update Letter : January 2016 – June 2016


Dear praying friends and supporters of ‘Take Heed’,

Sincere greetings once more in His precious and worthy name. Another 6 months of ministry activity have almost passed and once again my time has been fully occupied seeking to alert God’s people to “Take Heed” and to be aware of the many “wolves” seeking to lead them astray. As ever the ministry web and YouTube sites continue to be very much at the forefront of ‘the battle’ and herewith are details of some of the articles etc that have been posted since the beginning of the year.

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