Category Archives: Take Heed Ministries




Many years ago, friends and fellow-contenders living in The Netherlands sent me videos of a large 1998 gathering held by Rome in Holland to celebrate ‘Mary: Lady of all Nations’. This is just one of the many baseless and unscriptural titles ascribed by the Roman Catholic religion to Mary. In this article, I want to focus upon a claimed ‘Eucharistic Miracle’ that is detailed in the opening portion of the first video and so to begin with here is a link to enable you to watch that portion of the video –

Having watched the video, you perhaps now understand why I included the phrase ‘Hard to stomach!’ as a subtitle to this article. This supposed ‘miracle’ centres totally around the claim that a sick man, who had received a Roman Catholic ‘consecrated wafer’, later vomited it up and, despite having been thrown in the fire, it refused to be destroyed but instead was ‘reconstituted’ and ‘danced’ above the flames of the fire next morning.

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Those familiar with the ministry of ‘Take Heed’ will know that I have already shared many concerns about the teachings of TIM KELLER – one of my previous articles concerning him is located on

On 25 December 2016, the current principal of Union Theological College, where those being prepared for ministry in the Presbyterian Church in Ireland are trained, posted the following to his Facebook Timeline –

Stafford Carson

25 December at 08:51

Great article for all who have doubts about Christianity.

Am I a Christian, Pastor Timothy Keller?

A prominent evangelical considers a skeptical journalist’s doubts. NYTIMES.COM|BY NICHOLAS KRISTOF

This post then linked to the following

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Annual Review Letter December 2016

Ministry Update Letter : July 2016 – December 2016


Dear praying friends and supporters of ‘Take Heed’,

in recent years when issuing my Annual Review Letter, I have normally deferred quoting from encouraging feedback until quite late in the letter. However, this year I want to begin by quoting extracts from a very encouraging email I received because it will also serve as a lead into quoting in full a short article that I penned on what has become I believe a very ‘hot topic’ for Christians to consider. First the email extracts –

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“But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse deceiving and being deceived” 2nd Timothy 3:13

The expressions ‘good’ and ‘evil’ tend in our human thinking to focus on the direct and obvious consequences of actions carried out by people. ‘Good’ actions are those that are viewed as bringing blessing, benefit and joy to people whereas ‘evil’ actions are viewed as bringing misery, loss and hurt to people. In such human circumstances those terms are I believe perfectly apt.

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BETH MOORE: Warning resources

BETH MOORE: Warning resources

BETH MOORE: Warning resources


Some weeks ago I received the following message of inquiry concerning the ‘ministry’ of Beth Moore –

I wonder if you can give insight. In 2008 I was assigned as City Coordinator to bring Beth Moore (prominent well known Bible Study teacher of women) here. 7000 women attended as it was Beth’s first time in Canada and many had not heard of her.

She is coming back in January 2017. However, I find myself in a place that I cannot stand behind her teachings (some of them false as she has changed substantially from 2008 till now) – such as shaking hands whole heartedly with Catholicism, receives “extra” revelation, believes in silence meditation (eastern type) etc.

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Back in 1998 when ROB ZINS was my guest here to take part in various meetings that I had arranged for him we were also joined for a few days by a friend of Rob’s called TIM KAUFFMAN. Tim, like Rob, had been raised as a Roman Catholic but he like Rob had been gloriously saved and converted. Tim and Rob had co-operated in the publication of books by Rob under the ‘auspices’ of ‘White Horse Publications’.

During his years as a practising Roman Catholic TIM had been particularly drawn to ‘Marian Devotion’. In 1993 Tim published his own book called ‘Quite Contrary: A Biblical Reconsideration of the Apparitions of Mary’ and on the back cover we read this –

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Was Mary ‘Immaculately Conceived’?


Each year, in the Roman Catholic ‘calendar’, on the 8th December, ‘The Feast of the Immaculate Conception’ is observed. Helpful information on what this feast relates to can be found on this Roman Catholic web site link

Just a few lines from the item on that link will give understanding as to who and what the term ‘Immaculate Conception’ refers to – there we read –

‘the Blessed Virgin Mary “in the first instance of her conception, by a singular privilege and grace granted by God, in view of the merits of Jesus Christ, the Saviour of the human race, was preserved exempt from all stain of original sin.”’ 

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J I PACKER – ‘Double-Minded’ and ‘Unstable’



From time to time over many years now I have had occasion to issue warnings about the gospel-compromising actions and words of J I Packer who is regarded by many as a ‘stalwart’ proponent of Evangelicalism and the Reformed Faith position. 

These links will take you to items I have written about him

J I Packer and ‘Mother’ Teresa

News From The Front – March 2000

(Scroll down to article on Charles Colson & J I Packer)

News From The Front – March 1999

(Scroll down to article on ‘Papal Poison’)

News From The Front – June 1999

(Scroll quite far to the article on ‘Ravening Wolves’)

Perhaps the greatest ‘shock waves were felt when he endorsed the 1994 “Evangelicals and Catholics Together: The Christian Mission for the Third Millennium” document. Not only did he endorse it but when challenged as to how he could have come to endorse it he wrote a defence of what he had done. My own assessment was that Mr Packer had totally betrayed what he claimed to believe about core matters such as ‘justification’. There is a good assessment of this matter and Mr Packer’s role in it by Iain Murray and you can view it on

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