Category Archives: Take Heed Ministries



The following links will take you to videos of two talks I gave in Braehill Baptist Church on 24th and 25th May 2018. The preceding night a guest speaker had given a talk on “perilous times” and on the Sunday after my talks another guest speaker spoke on the coming ‘one-world religion’. In context, my two talks were very relevant as they certainly illustrate the “perilous times” we are living in and show how Rome is very much to the fore when it comes to ‘one-world religion’.

This is the link to my talk on ‘ECUMENISM’

NB When listing certain churches, I inadvertently referred to ‘Lisbellaw Baptist’ – I should have said ‘Lisbellaw Methodist’ whose minister at the time was a good friend, the late Tom Bodel.

This is the link to my talk on ‘THE PAPACY’

Cecil Andrews – ‘Take Heed’ Ministries – 11 June 2018

KARI JOBE: SINGER “Abstain from all appearance of evil”


On 31st August 2017 TBN UK aired a programme that featured Kenneth Copeland ‘preaching’ to a large gathering in Faith Cathedral. Canaan Land, Ota, Lagos, Nigeria. In the course of his ‘sermon’ he said this ‘Jesus burned in hell for 3 days’. This heresy has been oft-repeated by Kenneth Copeland over many years. Back in the very early days of ‘Take Heed’, in fact in 1992, I gave a talk in Belfast outlining the false teachings of both Kenneth Hagin and Kenneth Copeland (basically the then leaders of what is known as the ‘Word of Faith Movement’ – Kenneth Hagin has since died) and I devoted a short section near the end of my talk to exposing and refuting this heresy that ‘Jesus burned in hell for 3 days’ – you can hear what I said by going to this link  

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The following ‘blog’ was posted to social media on 5th February 2018 by STEVE STOCKMAN who is the minister of Fitzroy Presbyterian Church in Belfast. In the picture he is the person without the beard.

Following the text of the blog I shall make some comments about it and then reproduce my own FACEBOOK post of 6th February that was my response to the ‘blog’. I shall also reproduce some of the comments that people made in response to my FACEBOOK post and then I will move on to address a few other matters relating to Mr Stockman and his church.

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Since around the mid 1990’s it would appear that Dallas Theological Seminary (DTS) has become increasingly ambivalent (indecisive) where Roman Catholicism is concerned. 

An article posted on

gives helpful information on how DTS reacted to the 1994 ‘Evangelicals and
Catholics Together’ document and it could be described as ‘wishy-washy’.
The relevant portion is found under the heading
‘Institutional Issues’.

The same section also draws attention to the invitation by DTS to a Roman Catholic, William Bennett, to be a guest speaker at their 75th anniversary celebrations held in 1999.

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Unitarian Christmas Carol


As a hopefully helpful backdrop to this article perhaps I could invite you, the reader, if you have not already done so, to read the article UNITARIANISM that was posted to the ministry web site last year. This link will take you to that article –

In that article you will see that UNITARIANISM views the Lord Jesus Christ as merely a man and not the God-Man revealed to us in God’s Word (1 Timothy 3:16). That error is very much to the fore in what we will consider later in this article. Over the 2017 Christmas festive season my attention was drawn to the fact that a reasonably well-known and popular Christmas carol, ‘It came upon the midnight clear’ was written by a UNITARIAN minister called Edmund Sears. I was given a copy of a letter published recently in Evangelicals Now in which the author (Professor Colin Reeves, Thurlaston, Rugby, who kindly agreed to my quoting him) wrote

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The Reformation Talks


Last year I spoke in quite a number of churches/fellowships to mark what many considered to be the 500th anniversary of The Reformation on 31st October 2017. This short article will give links to the talks I gave in Newbuildings Independent Methodist Church on Friday and Saturday, 27th & 28th October 2017.

The first talk dealt with

(1) Reasons for The Reformation
(2) Reaction to The Reformation.

The second talk dealt with

(3) Reversal of The Reformation
(4) Rejoicing in The Reformation.

Cecil Andrews – ‘Take Heed’ Ministries – 23 January 2018