Category Archives: Roman Catholicism

BRENDAN McCARTHY’S ‘ALTERNATIVE DECLARATION’ of fundamental religious principles

Christians in Northern Ireland are being asked to ‘sign up’ to a declaration “of fundamental religious principles” [see Belfast Telegraph 17 April 1999]. This “declaration” has apparently been drawn up by Brendan McCarthy of Omagh Community Church. Before looking at several points contained in the “declaration” I think it would be helpful for people to know a few things about Mr McCarthy. By his own testimony he was raised as a Roman Catholic who in his teenage years had a ‘charismatic’ experience. He has told publicly of  how people from the Protestant churches appeared skeptical at times concerning his ‘conversion’. He studied for the Church of Ireland ministry and back in 1994 was the rector of St Columba’s Church of Ireland church in Omagh. In July of that he year he partnered JESUIT priest John McDade in the Public Debate I organised on the topic ‘Should Protestants and Catholics Worship Together’?

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News From The Front – December 1999

Dear praying friends,

In a short time most of the world will be working itself into a frenzy as humanity prepares to bid farewell to the 1900’s. The world today is not overwhelmed by atheists – most people have an attachment to some kind of spiritual philosophy – but in reality they fall into the category of “having a form of godliness but denying the power thereof” [2 Tim.3:5]. What is “the power” they deny – it is what is described as “the power of God unto salvation” in Romans 1:16. Most spiritual people today reject “the gospel of Christ”. Not only are these rejecters found amongst the non-Christian religions, false cults and New Age Movement but also amongst supposed Christian groups such as Roman Catholicism, Orthodox and Protestant denominations and the Word- Faith Movement. A grand coalition of many of these “gospel of Christ” rejecters is taking shape under the Primacy of the Pope and would appear to be gathering momentum and going forward in unstoppable fashion but their fate is assured. Through the preaching of the true “gospel of Christ” Christ’s true church will be built and the forces opposed to Him will one day be destroyed with the brightness of His coming. Until then let us “take heed” to our Lord’s instruction “Occupy, till I come” [Luke 19:13] and may our prayer be as we say farewell to this particular era “Even so, come Lord Jesus” [Rev.22:20].

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News From The Front – September 1999

Dear praying friends,

We leave a summer marked by a number of unique events. Some happy, some breathtaking and some tragic. In July there was the happy reminder of man setting foot on the moon and no doubt many joined in the memory game of where were you when Neil Armstrong took his small step/giant leap? Then there was the breathtaking total eclipse viewed in wonder by millions around the globe. Not long after that there was the tragic devastation of the earthquake in Turkey when thousands were ushered swiftly into eternity. A pinnacle – man and the moon – a down to earth disaster – man and his mortality. One moment man can be ‘flying high but in the twinkling of an eye, like the one spoken of in Luke 12:20 it may be that “this night thy soul shall be required of thee”. Looking at large religious gatherings, whether held in Mecca, St Peter’s Square, Rugby Union HQ in Twickenham [JW annual convention] or Geneva [the Dalai Lama preached in Calvin’s former church on 8th August] one can see people who are happy and the sight can be breathtaking but the reality is that these are preludes to tragedy. Millions are perishing without Christ and are being eternally cut off from the blessing of God by a “great gulf fixed” – please pray that many will “take heed”.

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“An Evangelical Celebration” A Time to Celebrate or a Time to Repent?

Unlike “Evangelicals and Catholics Together” (ECT I) and “The Gift of Salvation” (ECT II), a new document entitled “An Evangelical Celebration” (EC) is basically a biblically accurate presentation of the Gospel. In that, EC is eminently commendable and stands in stark contrast to the ECT I and II agreements, which remain under biblical condemnation since those two ecumenical documents give a false gospel.

Nevertheless, it must be questioned by serious Bible believers whether drafting yet another document is the biblical way to address compromise in presenting the Gospel–since following the biblical method is as essential as the Gospel itself. The Apostle Paul’s method in defending the Gospel is like that of the Lord Jesus Christ Himself. It is to lay a charge against those who teach false doctrine, and in so doing to glorify the Father. After the Apostle pronounces the judgement of God on those who continued in a false gospel, he explained his guideline for doing so, “For do I now persuade men, or God? or do I seek to please men? for if I yet pleased men, I should not be the servant of Christ.” (Galatians 1:10)

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News From The Front – June 1999

Dear praying friends,

It is with mixed emotions that I come to prepare this latest issue of News From The Front. On the one hand I will be reporting on a very happy and blessed time of ministry and fellowship that Margaret and I enjoyed during our visit to America. Then on the other hand I will be voicing grave concerns on issues that I believe the true Church of the Lord Jesus Christ must seriously face up to and with courage address.

In addition “Take Heed” is about to totally ‘go it alone’ [purely of course from a human standpoint – see page 16]. However we move forward with words from Joshua 1:7 as our heavenly prescription “only be thou strong and very courageous” and words from Genesis 46:3-4 as our heavenly pledge “fear not to go…I will go down with thee”.

Margaret and I want to record our thanks to all who have been so faithful and encouraging in recent months and we can assure you that God has been responding to the many prayers that have been offered on our behalf. Humbly we ask you to pray on for His cause and for His glory.

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‘The Gospel of Jesus Christ – An Evangelical Celebration’

On 10 June I received details of the latest ‘agreement’ involving ‘Evangelicals’ to be publicly revealed in the June 14 issue of ‘Christianity  Today’. As I downloaded the details via The Internet I felt that if Solomon were here to day he might be tempted to write, “of making many agreements there is no end” – see Ecclesiastes 12:12. This latest agreement is entitled

‘The Gospel of Jesus Christ – An Evangelical Celebration’

Hereafter I would intend to refer to it as ‘EC’. What is intriguing about this document is that it has been endorsed by a number of ‘Evangelicals’ who signed the controversial ECT 1& 2 documents of 1994 and 1997 [such as Charles Colson, Bill Bright and JI Packer] and ‘Evangelicals’ who publicly challenged and criticised their endorsement of those ECT 1 & 2 documents [such as RC Sproul, John MacArthur and D James Kennedy].

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News From The Front – March 1999

Dear praying friends,

With my last newsletter I enclosed a short note giving details of new funding arrangements which were being considered in relation to my involvement with a sister ministry known as Breda Centre. The new arrangements were agreed and as most on my UK mailing list know via a letter that I sent to them towards the end of January there was a substantial reduction in support from this sister ministry with effect from 1st March. This was perfectly correct as over recent years the “Take Heed” workload has increasingly outstripped my duties with Breda Centre. The letter sent at the end of January invited recipients to consider support by means of an annual bankers order payment with effect from 1st March. I have just been overwhelmed by the response to this letter – not only from individuals [either through standing order arrangements and/or gifts] but also from a number of Church fellowships. I hope all will understand why I have been unable to acknowledge each individual response but I want now to say to everyone “THANK YOU”

I can confirm that God through His people has once more proved His faithfulness and this need that arose has been fully met. [Psalm 118:23]

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Evangelicals and Catholics Together in Ireland

This booklet launched formally in July 1998 to coincide with a visit to Ireland by Mr J.I.Packer (one of the supporters of similar documents issued in America in 1994 and 1997) will pose a major problem for good Roman Catholics (an expression used by Mr Packer to denote which Roman Catholics are brothers and sisters in Christ of Evangelical Protestants when he defended his endorsement of the first American ECT document) and for bible believing (Protestant) Christians. The major problem is this – WHO DO PEOPLE BELIEVE? Do they believe the people who drew up this Irish ECT document or do they believe the official teaching of the Roman Catholic Church for they are not one and the same even though the Irish ECT document had Roman Catholic participants on what the booklet refers to as the Group Participants (ie. those who drafted the document) and list of those who endorsed the content of Irish ECT document including leading Roman Catholic clergy as well as laity.

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News From The Front – February 1998

Dear praying friends,

Although this is my ‘February’ newsletter I am actually writing this letter to you on lst January 1998 so let me begin by sending to you all sincere good wishes from Margaret and myself for a truly happy and blessed 1998. The reason for the early writing and preparation of this newsletter is due to an up-corning ministry trip to Romania which is mention on page 6. Last night Margaret and I took time to reflect on each month of 1997 and we could recall the highs and the lows, the mountain tops and the valleys and have no reason to doubt that if we are spared through 1998 it too will be composed of that same mixture. The children of Israel experienced the ‘high’ of leaving Egypt and then the deep ‘low’ as Pharoah and his armies threatened to enslave them once more but God overruled and they were safely delivered through the Red Sea. The response of Moses and the people as recorded in Exodus 15 verse 2 “The Lord is my strength and song and he is become my salvation; HE IS MY GOD.” May you and I as we seek to witness for the One who is “The truth” have that same soing on our lips and in our hearts as we too journey on towards our promised land.

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News From The Front – October 1997

Dear praying friends,

The death of Diana, Princess of Wales (followed shortly after the death of ‘Mother’ Tereas) evoked a universal outpouring of grief and without doubt her death and also the loss of those who died with her was an occasion for true and genuine sadness. In the days leading up to her funeral and even for a time afterwards the ‘spiritual vacuum’ of masses of people was clearly evident but I think an even greater tradegy was the failure of so-called Christian leaders to make plain the teaching of God’s word in several crucial areas. Christ claimed to be the sole and unique way to God (John 14:6) and yet an evident ‘all roads lead to God’ attitude was clearly adopted on many occasions. Paul declares that salvation is “not of works” (Ephesians 2:9) but for many there was a tacit acceptance of charitable works as the basis of acceptance by God. The God of heaven declares “Blessed are the dead which die in the Lord” (Revelation 14:13) yet millions were assured that souls who had died without the Christ of Calvary were ‘at rest.’ As believers we and others must afresh take to heart the words of the Lord in Matthew 24:4 “Take heed that no man deceive you.” Thank you for your support as Margaret and I urge people where possible to “Take Heed.”

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