Category Archives: Current Concerns

Tony Campolo to speak in Belfast on 23 October 2012


Recent adverts in the Belfast Telegraph have announced that Tony Campolo is to speak in The (Elim) Ulster Temple in Belfast on Tuesday 23 October. Also appearing on ‘the same bill’ will be well-known modern hymn-writer Graham Kendrick. The visit is being organised by a group called ‘Compassion’ and a leading figure in Crown Jesus Ministries based in Belfast would be supportive as an ‘ambassador’ for the work of ‘Compassion’.

Whilst I understand the evening is being organised to focus upon humanitarian matters and it is hoped that it will result in sponsorship for needy children trapped in poverty it is nevertheless being promoted as a ‘Christian’ event and that is why I believe serious concerns about the main speaker, Tony Campolo, must be aired.

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November 2002

The above title became a source of controversy when I used it for a talk given at a recent prophecy conference. What I found curious about the commotion was that it came from Catholics (and some evangelicals) who had yet to hear my presentation. Furthermore, the title reflects the hope and prayers of the Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue. Rome has been tilling this “common ground” with Islam for decades, as evidenced by the 1994 Vatican publication, Recognize the Spiritual Bonds Which Unite Us: 16 Years of Christian-Muslim Dialogue. Why, therefore, would anyone be upset by my simply repeating what the Roman Catholic Church very much desires?

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