Category Archives: Current Concerns



It goes without question that NICKY GUMBEL is the face and the voice of The ALPHA Course and I have written about him and it on a number of times in the past. This is the time of year when many churches are launching ALPHA courses and so I want to reproduce here a helpful article that details the close ecumenical and unscriptural links that NICKY GUMBEL has with the Roman Catholic religion. The article was the lead article in the British Church Newspaper of 4 September 2015 (No. 313) and it is reproduced here with kind permission of both the author and the paper.

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Tuesday 1st September 2015 marks the 25th anniversary of the launch of ‘Take Heed’ Ministries back in 1990. ‘Launch’ is a rather apt word as one of the verses that led me to leave secular employment on 31st October 1989 and eventually establish ‘Take Heed’ was Luke 5:4 where the Lord said to Simon Peter “Launch out into the deep and let down your nets for a catch”.

Well, having “launched out” on 31st October 1989 when I left my secular employment the “nets” were well and truly “let down” with the formation of “Take Heed” some 10 months and one day later.

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On a recent short visit to the Cork area in the south of Ireland, Margaret and I spent an afternoon having a look at the shops in the centre of Cork City itself. As is our custom on such occasions we split up having agreed a rendezvous time and place for later that day (we have personally found this is one of a number of good methods for maintaining a happy marriage!).

During my ‘browsing’ I noticed a number of men and women handing out something to shoppers as they were either entering or leaving ‘Penney’s’ on St Patrick’s Street. Having ‘loitered with intent’ I was approached by one lady who engaged me in conversation about the ‘Merits of Mary’ and how in particular the use of a SCAPULAR would be of great spiritual blessing and benefit to me. She offered me a free SCAPULAR and I said I would accept it if she would in turn accept something from me. That something was a free DVD of the Revelation TV debate that I took part in back in 2012 with Jesuit Priest, Keith McMillan. After mulling it over she declined my offer and moved on.

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On 7th July 2015 a friend posted the following on my Facebook ‘timeline’ –

PHIL JOHNSON on Charismaniac JOHN CROWDER (who is coming to speak in Ballyclare Northern Ireland)

“And now there’s a group led by a man named JOHN CROWDER who pretends the Holy Spirit is a supernatural narcotic that will put you into a thick, inebriated stupor. Some of his stuff is the rankest blasphemy. He says he is “tokin’ the Ghost,” or “smoking Jehovah-juana.” Sometimes he gets downright obscene, and if you have never seen him before you’ll be tempted to think he is an unbeliever doing a bad parody, but he is not. He claims the Holy Spirit makes him act this way.” _Events/SOT_Conferences/UK_Tour_with.aspx?redirected=1

The full text of what PHIL JOHNSON said in his talk entitled ‘Is There a Baby in the Charismatic Bathwater?’ and in which he mentions JOHN CROWDER can be accessed on –

As a follow up to that I posted the following to Facebook on 10th July 2015

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‘Dreams, visions, divine voices and appearances’


Many claims are made in contrasting realms of professing Christianity, from the extreme hyper-charismatic wing to the conservative missionary-minded wing, that God is still today communicating with people via extra-biblical means such as ‘dreams, visions, divine voices and appearances’.

On 9th June 2015 Phil Johnson, Executive Director of “Grace to You” (linked to John MacArthur) was interviewed on this topic by Chris Arnzen, host of the Christian radio program called ‘Iron Sharpens Iron’.

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Rodney Howard Browne at Kensington Temple



Earlier today (24 June 2015) I received the following email –

Cecil, this might be of interest…

Just learnt that Kensington Temple (an Elim church) hosted Rodney Howard Browne on Sunday:

Note the photos of RT Kendall and Martin Lloyd-Jones’s daughter.

(*See comment added by me on 14 May 2016)*

Here’s a report from someone who went:

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As many will know I have over the years spoken and also written articles warning of the deficiencies and dangers enshrined in The ALPHA Course. These resources can be viewed on (Part one) (Part two)

(Basically the text for the talk that can be seen on the first two links)

(Scroll through to final article)

(Scroll through to the article ‘Responding to Criticism’)

(Scroll through to the article ‘Rome formally endorses The Alpha Course)

Yesterday I was alerted to details of the most recent Alpha Leadership Conference and in response I placed a post on my Facebook site. As yet I have not had time to listen to any of the contributions but I think you will see from what I wrote in my post that the true cause of Christ would not have been genuinely helped.

This was my Facebook post

If anyone doubts the spiritually pernicious nature of THE ALPHA COURSE and those associated with it (like NICKY GUMBEL) then simply go to the link I will give and see who some of the guest speakers/contributors were at the recent ALPHA LEADERSHIP CONFERENCE held in London.

Amongst those contributing were –

‘FATHER’ Raniero Cantalmessaa (THE Papal Preacher)

‘CARDINAL’ Vincent Nicholls (Head of the Roman Catholic Church in England and Wales)


Other names are also mentioned and no doubt they may well have contributed to this diabolical misrepresentation of The Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ and the Church He is building.

The link is (Cecil, 17/5/23 – link no longer available – see alternatives below)

Cecil Andrews – ‘Take Heed’ Ministries – 23rd June 2015


Braehill Baptist meetings available to watch



The meetings were recorded and herewith are details of how you can watch each meeting (along with a few brief ‘comments’ or ‘corrections’).

Meeting One: ‘Christian’ Broadcasting: Imbibe or Ignore?

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I think right at the outset of this article that it is necessary for me to say that in relation to the title, ‘Evolution Creates Liars’, my ‘target audience’ is very much those who on the one hand affirm that the Bible is The Word of God and then on the other hand deny the truth of 6-day creation, preferring rather to perhaps give their allegiance and support to ‘Theistic Evolution’. I will be quite up-front now in saying that for me, holding such a position, calls into great question that person’s claim to be a faithful Christian – it’s as serious as that. Why do I come to that conclusion? Well, shortly I will outline just some of the consequences of a professing Christian claiming to believe in ‘THEISTIC EVOLUTION’ but, to begin with –

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