Category Archives: Assorted Articles

ADULTERY: ‘Evolutionary Claims’ versus ‘Christ’s Explanation

It is both interesting and usually frustrating (from a Christian standpoint) to often hear people on television (usually psychologists or behavioural experts) trying to explain why people do some of the terrible things that are reported on our screens. In many cases the cause is attributed by them to some ‘deficiency’ in the person’s upbringing like poverty, a lack of parental love, poor education of some other social factor and influence. Whilst in some cases these factors could possibly have triggered bad behaviour they are (from a Christian standpoint) not the root cause of the problem, for this very simple reason, that people raised in affluent situations, who enjoyed parental love and who received a good education have often displayed the very same bad behaviour. So why is it that people do what they do?

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The menace of ‘CHRISLAM’

Any notion that God’s people are at liberty to seek to fuse together genuine worship of Him with any form of pagan worship is utterly rejected and prohibited by God in His Word. As Joshua was nearing the end of his life he addressed the people of Israel and their elders and said to them “Be ye therefore very courageous to keep and to do all that is written in the book of the law of Moses, that ye turn not aside therefrom to the right or to the left. That ye come not among these nations that remain among you; neither make mention of the name of their gods, nor cause to swear by them, neither serve them, nor bow yourselves unto them. But cleave unto the Lord your God, as ye have done unto this day” [Joshua 23:7-8]… “Now therefore fear the Lord and serve him in sincerity… And if it seem evil unto you to serve the Lord, choose you this day whom ye will serve… If ye forsake the Lord and serve strange gods then he will turn and do you hurt… Now therefore put away said he the strange gods which are among you and incline your heart unto the Lord God of Israel” [Joshua 24: 1-23].

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Suspended Anglican Bishop, Peter Broadbent, ‘had a pop’ at ‘Take Heed’ in 2009

The recent announcement of the engagement of Prince William to Kate Middleton brought great joy to most people in the United Kingdom and consequently they in turn are looking forward with eager anticipation to the Royal Wedding planned for Friday 29th April 2011 – a day that has been officially designated as a national holiday.

Although the announcement was overwhelmingly welcomed by the majority of citizens there were not unexpectedly a few dissenting and critical voices from the usual anti-monarchy sources.

However, one particular criticism was most unexpected and it really struck a sour note as was reported in The Church Times of 26 November 2010 on – part of that report stated – 

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Maynooth conference on Calvin and Loyola


On the web site of Maynooth College where Roman Catholic priests in Ireland are trained for their priesthood the following has appeared on this link –

(Cecil – this link is no longer available to access but details of the conference can be viewed on this link –

John Calvin Conference

maynooth1     maynooth2

Living in union with Christ in today’s world:

John Calvin and Ignatius Loyola

Friday 8th / Saturday 9th October, 2010

John Calvin, French Protestant Reformer, and Ignatius Loyola, Spanish founder of the Society of Jesus, were for a brief time contemporaries in the Collège de Montaigu of the University of Paris. St Patrick’s College, Maynooth will host a conference that will bring something of the inheritance of both these foundational figures into dialogue. Both Calvin and Loyola were Sorbonne men. Six of the founding fathers of St Patrick’s College, Maynooth, were professors of the Sorbonne.

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Creation-believing Christians labelled ‘certifiably deranged’

The ‘Letters’ page of the Belfast Telegraph has in recent weeks been ‘red hot’ with letters and comments on Biblical topics such as The Ark and The Flood, The parting of the Red Sea and of course the ongoing ‘debate’ of creation v evolution. This latter was in particular fuelled by a request from one of our local politicians, Nelson McCausland, [an Evangelical Christian] that the recently refurbished Ulster Museum should broaden its ‘origins’ section to include Biblical Creationism, a view that is held to by a sizable percentage of the population in Northern Ireland.

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The ongoing diabolical debacle of ‘GOD TV’

Back in June 2008 at the height of the Todd Bentley so-called ‘healing revival’ in Lakeland Florida I posted an article to our web site on this link –

Todd Bentley and GOD TV

In that article I told how ‘GOD TV’, promoted by Rory and Wendy Alec, were fully endorsing and broadcasting the antics of Todd Bentley in Florida.

In my article I also provided a link to the video of a talk given in 2005 by my invited guest, Alan Morrison, when he addressed for me the topic ‘GOD TV: Helpful or Harmful?’

During the course of Alan’s talk we showed video of an April 2004 fund-raising broadcast by ‘GOD TV’ that was truly diabolically disturbing – in particular the rantings and ravings of Wendy Alec herself.

In recent days the Alecs have once more been seeking to raise funds for ‘GOD TV’ and sadly their antics are equally as diabolical and disturbing as in times past. You can watch a segment of their latest appeal for funds below. 

Seventh-day Adventist pastor resigns as he can no longer preach “another gospel”


In my September 1999 ‘News From The Front’ that can be viewed on 

I included an article called ‘Seventh-day Adventism: Christian or Cult’?

Towards the end of that article I wrote – ‘By their teachings on this subject Seventh-day Adventists have a wrong view of the work of Christ at Calvary and in consequence they have a wrong view on salvation… That is the teaching of a CULT, it is NOT CHRISTIAN and it lays the foundation for the grace + works ‘gospel’ of Seventh-day Adventism’.

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The Fort Hood Massacre: Don’t let the media or politicians ‘hoodwink’ you!

The murderous events that took place at Fort Hood on Thursday 5th November 2009 were truly shocking but what have been equally as shocking have been the concerted attempts by both the media and politicians to rule out the possibility that the actions of Major Nidal Malik Hasan were directly linked to his being a Muslim.

This attempted ‘removal of any blame from Islam’ has been taking place on both sides of the Atlantic. The BBC Newsnight programme of Friday 6th November was a prime example of this and it prompted me to send a complaint to the BBC. Currently this programme can be viwed on… and if you scroll forward to about 21-22minutes into the programme you will see their coverage of the Fort Hood massacre

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The occultic ‘ministry’ of Rick Joyner who is Todd Bentley’s ‘mentor’?

On 10th March this year I posted an article to our web site about Todd Bentley’s remarriage and plans for a relaunch back into ‘ministry’. In that article I quoted a statement put out by Rick Joyner of Morningstar Ministries who were seeking to ‘rehabilitate’ Todd Bentley. In his statement Mr Joyner wrote –

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‘Emerge Wales’

Today I received an email asking me if I had any information on a movement calling itself ‘Emerge Wales’. Set out below is the email I received together with a copy of my reply to that email. At the end of the article [immediately after my reply email] I have also included the full downloaded sections from the ‘Emerge Wales’ web site that I refer to in the email. I have also included a little scriptural anecdote that came to mind based on the National flag of Wales from where this movement originates.

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