Category Archives: Assorted Articles

The “promised prophet” of Deuteronomy 18: Jesus Christ or Mohammed?

Islam claims to respect Jesus Christ as a true prophet of God. In the Koran in Sura 2:136 we read Say: We believe in Allah and (in) that which had been revealed to us, and (in) that which was revealed to Ibrahim [Abraham] and Ismail [Ishmael] and Ishaq [Isaac] and Yaqoub [Jacob] and the tribes, and (in) that which was given to Musa [Moses] and Isa [Jesus], and (in) that which was given to the prophets from their Lord, we do not make any distinction between any of them, and to Him do we submit”.

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Should Mary be declared co-redemptrix?

One of the items posted by the Roman Catholic Zenit News Agency for Monday 11 February 2008 read as follows –

Cardinals Hoping for a 5th Marian Dogma
To Declare Mary as Mother of Humanity

ROME, FEBRUARY. 11, 2008 ( –

Five cardinals have sent a letter inviting prelates worldwide to join them in petitioning Benedict XVI to declare a fifth Marian dogma they said would “proclaim the full Christian truth about Mary.” The text, released last week, includes the petition that asks the Pope to proclaim Mary as “the Spiritual Mother of All Humanity, the co-redemptrix with Jesus the redeemer, mediatrix of all graces with Jesus the one mediator, and advocate with Jesus Christ on behalf of the human race.”

The petition states: “We believe the time opportune for a solemn definition of clarification regarding the constant teaching of the Church concerning the Mother of the Redeemer and her unique cooperation in the work of Redemption, as well as her subsequent roles in the distribution of grace and intercession for the human family.”

The text adds that the move would be “the ultimate expression of doctrinal clarity at the service of our Christian and non-Christian brothers and sisters who are not in communion with Rome”… The statement added, “This initiative also intends to start an in-depth worldwide dialogue on Mary’s role in salvation for our time”… Cardinal Aponte Martínez, one of the cardinal co-patrons said: “I believe the time is now for the papal definition of the relationship of the Mother of Jesus to the each one of us, her earthly children, in her roles as co-redemptrix, mediatrix of all graces and advocate.”

Back in 1998 there were similar Roman Catholic groundswells of opinion to have the then Pope John Paul II issue the very same dogmatic declaration. I was invited to participate in a Channel 5 “Crossfire” televised debate on the subject with a Jesuit Priest, Richard Foley who was very much in favour of the idea.

You can view this debate on You Tube [28 minutes] on the links below.

Should Mary be declared co-redemptrix? – Part One

Should Mary be declared co-redemptrix? – Part Two 

Cecil Andrews – ‘Take Heed’ Ministries – 12 February 2008

An open fax to Rowan Williams, Archbishop of Canterbury

Dear Mr Williams,

By your pronouncements on Shari’a law you have added to the growing list of anti-Christian views that you have espoused in public and you have proved once more that you are “not fit for purpose”. The mark of one who truly knows and loves the only true God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit is obedience to His law [John 14:15]. God has summarised His law very neatly in 10 Commandments [Exodus 20:3-17].  How does Islam ‘stack up’ against these?

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The religious affairs page of the Saturday edition of the Belfast Telegraph is comprised mostly of two large items – [1] the ‘musings’ of their religious affairs correspondent, Alf McCreary and [2] a ‘Thought For The Weekend’ given by one of a panel of 4 writers. The rest of the space on the page is then filled up with short items submitted to the paper by various religious groups and churches. In Saturday 2nd February 2008 one of those shorter items read as follows –

The First Church of Christ, Scientist, has announced the launch of

The public will hear first-hand accounts of people who are living Christian Science and how their prayers have healed them and others. Tom Black, of the Christian Science board of directors said “People hear about Christian Science relying on prayer for healing, but what does that really mean? It is good to know that people who rely on the web for information have a place where they can hear about Christian Science healing directly from those who have experienced it.” The Church also wants the website to clear up some common misconceptions about Christian Science, underlining the fact that it is a Christian, Bible-based religion, AND NOT A CULT, and that Christian Science is not Scientology.

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The ‘peaceful’ face of Islam

According to a report in the Daily Mail of Friday 18 January 2008, British government ministers ‘have adopted a new language for declarations on Islamic terrorism. In future fanatics will be referred to as “pursuing anti-Islamic activity”. Home Secretary, Jacqui Smith said that extremists were behaving contrary to their faith, rather than acting in the name of Islam…In one passage she said “As so many Muslims in the UK and across the world have pointed out, there is nothing Islamic about plotting murder, pain and grief. Indeed if anything these things are anti-Islamic…In her speech Miss Smith said extremists who use the internet to radicalise young children would be pursued in the same way as paedophiles [let’s hope they’re more alert than the South Yorkshire police for it was reported on Wednesday of this week – ‘A paedophile named on a list of the UK’s “most wanted” was arrested but later released after police failed to recognise him. South Yorkshire Police officers only realised who Joshua Karney was after he was fined for being drunk and released. Karney, 30, is one of five of the UK’s most wanted sex offenders after going missing from Lancashire in 2005’]…Mosques will be helped to root out extremism with Imams encouraged to learn English’.

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Joel Osteen and Rick Warren ‘The heretics are pastoring the church’

The subtitle of this article ‘The heretics are pastoring the church’ is really a parody on another well-known expression, namely ‘the lunatics are running the asylum’. Asylums were built to protect the general public from those who were mentally disturbed and so posed a threat to them but the public at large often think that those running such regimes, by their actions and attitudes, pose just as much, if not an even greater danger to the public they are supposed to be protecting.

God has ordained that His people gather themselves together in local churches and to such assemblies He gifts men who are skilled in “rightly dividing the word of truth” – this expression “rightly dividing the word of truth” according to Vine’s expository dictionary means “teaching Scripture accurately”.

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Willow Creek connection to the foul-mouthed ‘Jersey Boys’

In a recent email [1st November 2007] from the ministry of Lighthouse Trails they identified some results from a survey carried out by the leaders of the Willow Creek Community Church [Senior Pastor – Bill Hybels]. Herewith are some extracts from that email –

The headlines on a article this week certainly catch the attention…The article talks about a survey Willow Creek performed and the findings of the survey. Townhall columnist Bob Burney explains:

Willow Creek has released the results of a multi-year study on the effectiveness of their programs and philosophy of ministry. The study’s findings are in a new book titled Reveal: Where Are You? co-authored by Cally Parkinson and Greg Hawkins, executive pastor of Willow Creek Community Church. Hybels himself called the findings “earth shaking,” “ground breaking” and “mind blowing.” And no wonder: it seems that the “experts” were wrong. The report reveals that most of what they have been doing for these many years and what they have taught millions of others to do is not producing solid disciples of Jesus Christ. Numbers yes, but not disciples. It gets worse. Hybels laments: “Some of the stuff that we have put millions of dollars into, thinking it would really help our people grow and develop spiritually, when the data actually came back it wasn’t helping people that much…”

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Alpha Endorsers


  • Rowan Williams – Archbishop of Canterbury

‘What Alpha has to offer is a unique mixture of Christian content and Christian style. I recommend it to all the Christian family as a very special tool of evangelism’

  • Richard Chartres – Bishop of London

‘Real education…Christian companionship…a living experience of the mystery of God. I am so grateful for Alpha courses’

  • Alister McGrath – President Oxford Centre

‘The Alpha Course has now become one of the most reliable and important means of drawing people into the church. It has enormous potential’

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‘Hope 2008’ – not “that blessed hope” of Titus 2:13

In January of this year I received an email from a Christian couple in England who had attended a meeting In Birmingham in October 2006 at which they were introduced to an initiative that would be called ‘HOPE 2008’. In their own words they wrote of ‘something called “HOPE 2008” the theme of which is “Redeeming Our Communities” – this was pioneered by Gerald Coates’.

In my reply to them I wrote this concerning “HOPE 2008” – “You mentioned the involvement of Gerald Coates so on that basis alone I would steer well clear of it”. Very briefly, Gerald Coates has promoted many charismatic deceptions such as the so-called ‘Toronto Blessing’ and with his track record of failed ‘prophecies’ he should be thankful that he doesn’t live in Old Testament times [see Deuteronomy 18:20].

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